paleobiodb / bug_reports

Description of recent enhancements to the Paleobiology Database and project management
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Updated Data Entry FAQ #12

Open aazaff opened 7 years ago

aazaff commented 7 years ago

We should have a streamlined FAQ discussing common data entry protocols.

Some examples of common questions:

  1. What constitutes an occurrence in terms of spatiotemporal scale?
  2. What constitutes a collection in terms of spatiotemporal scale?
  3. If a trace fossil known to come from a specific organism is observed, should that organism be entered as an occurrence?
  4. How should a biozone that is not recognized by the PBDB be entered?
  5. How should enterers handle taxonomic names that are known to be incorrect or misspelled?


I believe this is an area where we could solicit members of the community (authorizers) to submit questions they frequently encounter when training students/enterers.

aazaff commented 7 years ago

Current plan by @markuhen is to collate the existing tool tips from the data entry process into a single file and enhance/amend as necessary. He will look for volunteers from outside of the tech development team to work on this. Possibly an EC member.

Therefore, this is not a priority for the tech team and we should not work on it. I am un-assigning the tech team members, but leaving the issue open for tracking purposes.