paleobiodb / navigator

Graphical user interface for exploring space, time, and taxa in the PBDB
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Taxon list error #89

Closed markuhen closed 6 years ago

markuhen commented 7 years ago

I clicked on a dot in Navigator and got a list of taxa. When I clicked on one of the clickable taxa, I got the error below. I'm not really sure what it is supposed to do, but this is definitely not it!

list json error

vjpsyverson commented 7 years ago

This is not broken on training. I am trying to figure out what's wrong with it on phylum.

markuhen commented 7 years ago

Yes it is broken on training. It is just broken differently. In Training, it does nothing when you click on the taxon. It should be doing SOMETHING.

jczaplew commented 7 years ago

@markuhen - are you experiencing this when you click on all collections or just certain ones?

markuhen commented 7 years ago

This happens on all the ones I have tried.

jczaplew commented 7 years ago

From what I can tell, it only seems to happen when you click on a genus or species - anything higher and it seems to work. My guess is that there is an issue in the template, because the data service request that fires off is missing the name parameter -

vjpsyverson commented 7 years ago

@markuhen, that's weird, what browser are you using? Because when I click the taxon name in the occurrences tab on training, it correctly adds a taxon filter and closes the modal (this is in Chrome). And that includes the exact example in your screenshot.

@jczaplew, taxa/list is hit only at line 1635 of navMap.js (in navMap.filterByTaxon), and when I add a console.log to that line it reports correctly. Again, though, this is the version on training, and is hitting the dev version of the data service on teststrata.

markuhen commented 7 years ago

I am seein this in Safari Version 10.1.2 (12603.3.8)

vjpsyverson commented 6 years ago

@jczaplew, I'm testing this again and I can't replicate the missing name parameter error. When I do exactly what Mark describes in the original report (on the Aro locality, in the Neogene right on top of Lagos), the taxa/list call I get is correctly formed: Can you test this on Safari for me if you have a minute?

markuhen commented 6 years ago

I just tested this. It is now working properly on Training, but I get the error on the main server.

Thus, I think this is fixed and just needs to be pushed to the live site next time we do a push!