paleobot / pbot-dev

Codebase and initial design documents for pbot client
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Add italics to report fields where need in the same way that PBDB has done #213

Closed clairecleveland closed 10 months ago

clairecleveland commented 10 months ago

This is an observation- entering info in description is lagging pretty hardcore with all the users on. Its two states behind populating (hard to see if it really got what I clicked). (CR) UPDATE: lag continues but if you’re adding two states (one with order 1 and another with order 2, and you haven't waited the requisite 15 seconds to satisfy the lag, you will enter the second state with the order defaulting to one (assuming the second entry doesn't see the one in the order from the first state).

Response from Mark Uhen: PBDB does not include text in italics, but it does know to italicize genus and species names when it presents them.

aazaff commented 10 months ago

There seems to be two issues/comments jammed into one? Anyway as for italics this is effectively duplicated with #136 #135