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Add more types of type specimens #243

Open doricon opened 9 months ago

doricon commented 9 months ago

For the strict taxonomy folks, I think we are going to need to have more type specimen options after all.

Here is a list of types: Holotype, Syntype, Lectotype, Neotype, Epitype, Isotype, Paratype

Is it possible for type specimens to add them in little blocks, where you choose the kind of type from a dropdown, then choose the specimens? Can then add more types via the little green text button. (trying to avoid a proliferation of fields for different types of types). Something like:

Select type [dropdown] Choose specimens [dropdown with the identified specimens] *ADD MORE TYPES [green text button like is used elsewhere]

(example after adding some types)

Paratype DMNH 2456, DMNH 4750, DMNH 3755

Other ideas welcome!

doricon commented 9 months ago

Update post 9/27/23 meeting:

Going to try to implement a dropdown to select types/examples and holotype/exemplar. This will be good for now. If people balk about not having all the other specific types later then at least we have the foundation for adding more.

aazaff commented 9 months ago

So... we are not going to do this any time soon. We will have to revisit this again in the Winter.