paleolimbot / tidyphreeqc

Tidy geochemical modeling using PHREEQC
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phr_use_db #8

Closed Zhongguangbin closed 4 years ago

Zhongguangbin commented 4 years ago

I want to use Tipping_Hurley.dat,But this database is mistakenly removed by phreeqc,the usgs's officer said they will add these database in the next R update.So I want to know that will you add these database in the next R updata(or other ways to load the Tipping_Hurley.dat so that we can use this database in tidyphreeqc)

paleolimbot commented 4 years ago

I think you can do phr_use_db(readLines("path/to/Tipping_Hurley.dat")) (let me know if that doesn't work!)