Open efmitchell opened 6 years ago
I'm also getting this error. This is due to the following line
It uses a new feature called "nullable types", which was apparently introduced in PHP 7.1
The installer only installs PHP 7.0 by default, so you need to change this to PHP 7.1
Mac OS 10.13.1, all listed requirements installed.
Whilst running init_project, get the error:
When I run with error logging I also get the below in the m-reinstall log:
`2018-10-07 12:11:33] STATUS: Deleting TestModule directories [/Users/elliotmitchell/Code/vagrant-magento/scripts/host/]] [2018-10-07 11:11:35] STATUS: Killing MQ processes [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-reinstall]] [2018-10-07 11:11:35] STATUS: Installing/re-installing Magento [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-reinstall]] [2018-10-07 11:11:35] STATUS: > Removing Magento configuration files (env.php and config.php) [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-reinstall]] [2018-10-07 11:11:35] STATUS: > Clearing Magento cache [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-clear-cache]] [2018-10-07 11:11:35] STATUS: > Clearing directories containing temporary files [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-clear-cache]] [2018-10-07 11:11:35] STATUS: > Dropping and creating 'magento' DB [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-reinstall]] [2018-10-07 11:11:35] STATUS: > Dropping and creating 'magento_integration_tests' DB [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-reinstall]] [2018-10-07 11:11:35] STATUS: > ./bin/magento setup:install --db-host=localhost --db-name=magento --db-user=root --backend-frontname=admin --base-url=http://magento2.vagrant220/ --language=en_US --timezone=America/Chicago --currency=USD --admin-lastname=Admin --admin-firstname=Admin --admin-user=admin --admin-password=123123q --cleanup-database --use-rewrites=1 --amqp-host=localhost --amqp-port=5672 --amqp-user=guest --amqp-virtualhost=/ --amqp-password=guest [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-reinstall]]
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) in /Users/elliotmitchell/Code/vagrant-magento/magento2ce/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Filesystem/Directory/Write.php on line 35 [2018-10-07 11:11:36] ERROR: > Magento installation failed. [/vagrant/scripts/guest/m-reinstall]] [2018-10-07 12:11:36] INFO: > [mSee details in /Users/elliotmitchell/Code/vagrant-magento/log/m-reinstall.log[m. For debug output set debug:vagrant_project[m to 1[m in etc/config.yaml[m [./m-reinstall]] [2018-10-07 12:11:36] ERROR: > ++ which bash
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