Open medmek opened 3 years ago
While doing the above solves the php download problem, the newer php version architecture, or more precisely the php.ini
layout seems to be different. Because of this, parts of this project for enabling php extensions (necessary for the installation of magento code base via composer) seems to not work.
[2021-04-25 22:56:54] STATUS: > Installing composer [/c/dev/shop/scripts/host/]]
Some settings on your machine make Composer unable to work properly.
Make sure that you fix the issues listed below and run this script again:
The openssl extension is missing, which means that secure HTTPS transfers are impossible.
If possible you should enable it or recompile php with --with-openssl
[2021-04-25 22:56:55] STATUS: > composer --ignore-platform-reqs --no-interaction create-project [/c/dev/shop/scripts/host/]]
it seems to be caused by this lines in
sed -i.back 's|; extension_dir = "ext"|extension_dir = "ext"|g' "${vagrant_dir}/lib/php/php.ini"
sed -i.back 's|;extension=php_openssl.dll|extension=php_openssl.dll|g' "${vagrant_dir}/lib/php/php.ini"
trying to remove the ;
to uncomment, except that the php.ini
layout in php-7.4.16 is
; On windows:
;extension_dir = "ext"
so I propose the following I just tested successfully :
sed -i.back 's|;extension_dir = "ext"|extension_dir = "ext"|g' "${vagrant_dir}/lib/php/php.ini"
sed -i.back 's|;extension=openssl|extension=openssl|g' "${vagrant_dir}/lib/php/php.ini"
I think I'll do PR
When I execute manually :
curl -o lib/
it creates a small file (1kb)a file that is clearly not the whole php5.6 zip (trying to unzip it manually tells me that it's not a zip file)
So I had to curl manually another version of PHP :
curl -o lib/
I also had to install
like advised in this stackoverflow answer otherwise I get this :So it might be a good idea to add VC_redist.x64.exe it to the requirement and update the PHP version to download. (Or maybe to make a list of versions (list of urls) to try before renouncing the Automatic PHP host installation)
Thank you