paljs / prisma-tools

Prisma tools to help you generate CRUD system for GraphQL servers
MIT License
683 stars 54 forks source link

TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object #160

Closed unlight closed 3 years ago

unlight commented 3 years ago


Evaluates to


Info object

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AhmedElywa commented 3 years ago

Can you give me your frontend requested fields, please?

unlight commented 3 years ago
query articles {
  articles: articles(where: {}, orderBy: { id: desc }) {
  articlesCount: countArticles(where: {})

fragment articleFields on Article {
  tags {
  author {

fragment userFields on User {
  username: name
AhmedElywa commented 3 years ago

Can you upgrade to the last version 2.8.4 and check again?

unlight commented 3 years ago

Checked with 2.8.4 still same error. I just realized that bug is probably wrongly. Part of schema:

model User {
// ...
userId String @id
following   User[]   @relation("UserFollows", references: [userId])

following is array of users

I do not need this behavior (expose this field to graphql schema), and override this by NestJS decorator ResolveField

    @ResolveField(() => Boolean)
    async following(
        @Parent() user: User,
        @CurrentUser() currentUser?: PassportUserFields,
    ): Promise<boolean> {
        // implementation

Then I found piece of code

var client = require('@prisma/client');
_proto.model = function model(name) {
    var _this$dataModel;

    return (_this$dataModel = this.dataModel) === null || _this$dataModel === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$dataModel.models.find(function (item) {
      return === name || PrismaSelect.getModelMap(item.documentation, name);

Looks like select some how depend on generated dmmf of prisma client.

Which is looks weird for me.

AhmedElywa commented 3 years ago

You can't do it like this. My plugin converts GraphQL fields to be Prisma Select objects. So now my plugin will deal with the following field as a User object. Please, you can use another name for your field, not in. Your model.

unlight commented 3 years ago

I do not understand why it is necessary. Can you explain why plugin relies on dmmf? This is the old implementation of similar behavior (only graphql info ast is used).

AhmedElywa commented 3 years ago

Because if you added in your graphql type any fields, not in your prisma model and I added them to select object, this will break your prisma query I must filter your fields coming from Info and just give you what you can send to a Prisma select object