pallet / ritz

SWANK and nREPL servers for clojure providing JPDA based debuggers
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Closing debug buffer with abort brings stacktrace buffer to front #97

Open amalloy opened 11 years ago

amalloy commented 11 years ago

When I evaluate (from my repl) an expression which causes an exception, I get the swank-like debug buffer, which is great. Then I decide to abort (say, by using restart 1). This closes the debug buffer, but it brings the "dumb" backtrace buffer to the front, hiding my repl buffer. So now instead of continuing to work, I have to stare at the stacktrace I've already decided I'm done with.

It would be better if it could kill (or otherwise hide) the *nREPL error* buffer as well as the *nrepl-dbg xxxxx* buffer, so that I can get back to work in my repl.

I can see a way to do this, but it seems pretty gross, and I'm hoping @hugoduncan (or whoever) has a better idea than mine.