pallet / stevedore

A shell script embedding in clojure
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Create command for Asynchronous execution #5

Closed frenchy64 closed 5 years ago

frenchy64 commented 13 years ago

Synonymous to the suffix & in bash.

  (redir :stdout
     (java -cp "${CLOJURE_JARS}:${VIMCLOJURE_JAR}"
      -server "vimclojure.nailgun.NGServer" @port 
      "<&- & 2&> /dev/null")))

Multiple forms inside with-asynchronous-execution should all perform asynchronously.

Investigate how Windows approaches this.

frenchy64 commented 13 years ago

Is the function name future appropriate?

frenchy64 commented 13 years ago

Windows uses the prefix "START" to execute in background (essentially).

Not sure if there is a lambda block like feature in .bat scripts like bash's { } blocks. Would make executing more than one command easy.