pallets-eco / flask-security-3.0

Quick and simple security for Flask applications
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Passing multiple forms within Register Form? #725

Open Ben095 opened 6 years ago

Ben095 commented 6 years ago

How can I pass login form within my register_user.html? I am trying to create both login/register at same page. I tried passing in login_user_form, it didn't work and it makes perfect sense as to why it wouldn't work. Does flask-security provide us a way to pass in default forms we want rather than extendedForm which gets inherited from RegisterForm...? Or to have both of these functionality on same page; I'd have to consider other options.

Ben095 commented 6 years ago

This was my attempt: class ExtendedConfirmRegisterForm(RegisterForm): first_name = StringField('First Name') last_name = StringField('Last Name') type_s = StringField() club_access_type = StringField() monthly_plan = StringField() start_time = StringField() end_time = StringField() where = StringField() subscription_type=StringField() booking_id = StringField() remember = LoginForm.remember login_submit = LoginForm.submit login_email = login_password = LoginForm.password login_next =

I then tried passing this into jinja (security/register_user.html) like this.

{{ register_user_form.hidden_tag() }}{{ render_field(register_user_form.login_email, style="width:120%; padding-bottom:0.10%; margin-left:-150%; border-top-color: black;background: rgba(130,130,130,.3); border-left-color: black;border-bottom-color: black;border-right-color:black") }} This is for email; and it doesn't work; but if I were to change login_email to simply email it works....
jirikuncar commented 6 years ago

Forget me if I misunderstood your question. I think you can set SECURITY_LOGIN_WITHOUT_CONFIRMATION=True to automatically login a user after registration. Additionally you can still ask user to confirm his registration via email for next login with SECURITY_CONFIRMABLE=True.

Ben095 commented 6 years ago

Hey no. That's not what I am asking. Basically I am trying to have both login and register in same page. So I wanted to use login form within register form. So I can have seperate email pass fields for each login and registering.

jirikuncar commented 6 years ago

Then I would recommend to create your own view and template.

Ben095 commented 6 years ago

So there is no way for me to use multiple forms within register view in flask-security? Or so login form within register view?

Ben095 commented 6 years ago

Figured out. Found a way to pass in; peeked inside the repository and realized; you could pass default argument in register view through

def security_context_processor():
    return dict(login_user_form=LoginForm())

That let me call login_user_form within register user template!