pallets / jinja

A very fast and expressive template engine.
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Most basic Jinja function is inconsistent / crashes if the template has `{{ }}` elements, and `obj` is `None` or property does not exist #1922

Closed schittli closed 8 months ago

schittli commented 8 months ago


Thank you very much for sharing your great work!, it makes life with Python much better.


As a 'end-user' of Jinja, one would expect this most basic behavior: Regardless of whether one works in the template with {{ variable }} or with {{ }} elements, Jinja behaves always the same if one of these elements does not exist. If Jinja handles missing references differently, then Jinja becomes tedious because one has to handle both errors in the templates and in the Python code differently.

Describe the bug / summary

  1. 🆗 Great: If a template references a {{ variable }} which does not exist, then:
    • Jinja adds variable it to meta.find_undeclared_variables
  2. ⛔ Basic behavior broke: If a template references a {{ }} and property does not exist, then:
    • Jinja raises an TemplateSyntaxError exception
    • and it does not add it to meta.find_undeclared_variables
  3. ⛔ Basic behavior broke: If a template references a {{ }} and obj does not exist, then
    • Jinja raises an UndefinedError exception
    • and it does not add it to meta.find_undeclared_variables

Code to replicate the bug

To show the different jinja behavior, I have created this RenderTemplate() function which:

from typing import Dict, Any
import jinja2
from jinja2 import meta

def RenderTemplate(context: Dict[str, Any], tpl: str):
      # Setup jinja2
      env = jinja2.Environment(undefined = jinja2.DebugUndefined)
      # Create the Template
      template = env.from_string(tpl)
      # Render the Template
      rendered = template.render(context)

      # Test if the Template has unknown variables
      ast = env.parse(rendered)
      undefinedVars = jinja2.meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)

      # Print the result
      print(f' > {rendered=}')
      if undefinedVars:
         print(f' > {undefinedVars=}')

   except Exception as ex:
      # Print the Exception
      exceptionType = f'{ex.__class__.__module__}.{ex.__class__.__name__}'
      print(f' > {exceptionType=}')
      print(f' > {ex=}')


The 4 tests

Now, we test 4 different situations of non-existent variables and properties. We use those variables / objects:

# Template Error in Template Rendered Text Content of meta. find_undeclared_variables()
1 '{{ message }} {{ person.prename }}' All references are OK ✔️'Good morning John' ✔️Empty
2 '{{ unknwonVar }} {{ person.prename }}' unknwonVar does not exist ✔️'{{ unknwonVar }} John' ✔️unknwonVar
3 '{{ message }} {{ }}' Property .namedoes not exists ❌️Exception: TemplateSyntaxError ❌️None
4 '{{ message }} {{ noperson.prename }}' noperson does not exist ❌️Exception: UndefinedError ❌️None

🙏 Please:

This code calls all 4 tests:

# A simple Class
class Person:
   def __init__(self, prename):
      self.prename = prename

# Setup Data
message = 'Good morning'
person = Person(prename = 'John')

# Tests
print('\nTest 1: All variables are defined:')
template = '{{ message }} {{ person.prename }}'
print(f' {template=}')
RenderTemplate(locals(), template)
# Result:
#  > rendered='Good morning John'

print('\nTest 2: unknwonVar is used, which does not exist:')
template = '{{ unknwonVar }} {{ person.prename }}'
print(f' {template=}')
RenderTemplate(locals(), template)
# Result:
#  > rendered='{{ unknwonVar }} John'
#  > undefinedVars={'unknwonVar'}

print('\nTest 3: Access, a *Property* which does not exist:')
template = '{{ message }} {{ }}'
print(f' {template=}')
RenderTemplate(locals(), template)
# Result:
#  > exceptionType='jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError'
#  > ex=TemplateSyntaxError("expected token 'end of print statement', got 'such'")

print('\nTest 4: We access - an *Object* which does not exist:')
template = '{{ message }} {{ noperson.prename }}'
print(f' {template=}')
RenderTemplate(locals(), template)
# Result:
#  > exceptionType='jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError'
#  > ex=UndefinedError("'noperson' is undefined")

Thanks a lot, kind regards, Thomas

davidism commented 8 months ago
  1. ⛔ Basic behavior broke: If a template references a {{ }} and property does not exist, then:
    • Jinja raises an TemplateSyntaxError exception
    • and it does not add it to meta.find_undeclared_variables

I can't reproduce raising TemplateSyntaxError. Sounds like you have a syntax error that's not present in the example you've shown.

  1. ⛔ Basic behavior broke: If a template references a {{ }} and obj does not exist, then
    • Jinja raises an UndefinedError exception
    • and it does not add it to meta.find_undeclared_variables

This and the previous described behavior about find_undeclared_variables is correct. Like Python, Jinja parses the template into an AST, then produces a sequence of instructions to follow at runtime. At parsing, Python and Jinja know nothing about whether any given name will refer to an object that has further accessed attributes. It can know if the name itself is not defined within the template, but not further attribute access.

Here are two Python-only examples that demonstrate this. you can't tell from looking whether they will succeed, you must run them in context. This is because Python has very dynamic ways to work with attributes.

# Here we know what `a` and `b` are, but not whether `.value` would succeed for them.
a = ThingA()
b = ThingB()
a.value + b.value
# Here we don't know what `a` and `b` are, so we don't know if `.value` is valid either.
a.value + b.value
schittli commented 8 months ago

Hello @davidism thank you very much for your answer & help! I will try to re-test the TemplateSyntaxError issue and I will follow up.

Related to:

# Here we don't know what a and b are, so we don't know if .value is valid either. a.value + b.value

I would be surprised if hasattr(object, propertyName) could not check whether property .value exists.

Therefore, there is probably no reason why a preprocessor cannot use the AST parser to check whether all variables are resolvable and thus save all errors in meta.find_undeclared_variables().

Thanks a lot, kind regards, Thomas