pallets / werkzeug

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url matching order changed versus 2.2 #2924

Open jfly opened 1 month ago

jfly commented 1 month ago

(Sorry for the convoluted title: I don't know the right vocabulary for this.)

I noticed when upgrading to Werkzeug 2.2+, two of my routing rules have swapped priority.

Sample application

Here's a simple werkzeug application. The important part is the 2 rules:

Rule('/<path:filename>', endpoint=self.on_static, subdomain="static"),
Rule('/healthcheck', endpoint=self.on_healthcheck, subdomain="<subdomain>"),
cat ```python from werkzeug.wrappers import Request, Response from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException class SimpleServer: def __init__(self, server_name: str, url_map: Map): self._server_name = server_name self._url_map = url_map def dispatch_request(self, request): adapter = self._url_map.bind_to_environ(request.environ, server_name=self._server_name) try: endpoint, values = adapter.match() return endpoint(request, **values) except HTTPException as e: return e def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response): request = Request(environ) response = self.dispatch_request(request) return response(environ, start_response) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response) class Demo(SimpleServer): def __init__(self, server_name: str): url_map = Map([ Rule('/', endpoint=self.on_static, subdomain="static"), Rule('/healthcheck', endpoint=self.on_healthcheck, subdomain=""), ]) super().__init__(server_name, url_map) def on_static(self, _request, filename): return Response(f'on_static: {filename=}') def on_healthcheck(self, _request, subdomain): return Response(f'on_healthcheck {subdomain=}') if __name__ == '__main__': from werkzeug.serving import run_simple port = 8080 app = Demo(server_name=f"{port}") run_simple('', port, app, use_debugger=True, use_reloader=True) ```

Before (on werkzeug <2.2)

Run the server:

pip install werkzeug==2.1.2 && python

Note how /healthcheck behaves the same on both the "static" subdomain, and a different subdomain "foo":

"static" subdomain:

$ curl --resolve '*:8080:'
on_healthcheck: subdomain='static'

"foo" subdomain:

$ curl --resolve '*:8080:'
on_healthcheck: subdomain='foo'

After (werkzeug 2.2+)

pip install werkzeug==2.2.0 && python

Note how /healthcheck now behaves differently on the two subdomains. On "static", we now get back the on_static endpoint, and on "foo" we still get back the on_healthcheck endpoint.

"static" subdomain:

$ curl --resolve '*:8080:'
on_static: filename='healthcheck'

"foo" subdomain:

$ curl --resolve '*:8080:'
on_healthcheck: subdomain='foo'

I see the same behavior with the latest version of werkzeug (3.0.3 at time of writing).


Is this change in behavior intentional? The PR just describes this as a faster matcher, it doesn't say anything about a change in behavior.

Is there some way of configuring a route across all subdomains that takes precedence over the subdomain specific /<path:filename> rule in my example?


I don't have a great workaround for this. I can get close to the pre-werkzeug 2.2 behavior by adding a 3rd rule specifically for the "static" subdomain:

Rule('/<path:filename>', endpoint=self.on_static, subdomain="static"),
Rule('/healthcheck', endpoint=self.on_healthcheck, subdomain="<subdomain>"),
+Rule('/healthcheck', endpoint=self.on_healthcheck, subdomain="static"),

But this behaves a bit differently: there's no subdomain argument passed to my endpoint handler. Environment:

@pgjones, since you wrote the new matcher

davidism commented 3 weeks ago

@pgjones can you check this when you get a chance?