pallotron / yubiswitch

OSX status bar application to enable/disable Yubikey Nano
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Is there a way to get the helper daemon to request root access if i was not shown during install? #41

Closed aarondunn closed 9 years ago

aarondunn commented 9 years ago

I didn't see the helper daemon and the app isn't working for me. Is there a way I can force the app to ask for root permissions again?

pallotron commented 9 years ago

What do you see in /var/log/system.log grepping for "yubiswitch"?

Anyway, verify helper is running, just for curiosity:

$ ps aux | grep -i yubiswitch
pallotron       80590   0.1  0.0  2432772    664 s002  S+    8:22PM   0:00.00 grep -i yubiswitch
pallotron       16936   0.0  0.2  2632420  16964   ??  S    10:26AM   0:06.14 /Applications/
root              602   0.0  0.0  2470864   1100   ??  Ss    9:56AM   0:00.06 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper

If so kill yubiswitch and helper:

$ sudo pkill -f yubiswitch

Then remove the old binary:

$ sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper

hope that helps.

aarondunn commented 9 years ago

Thanks, tried it but sadly no dice. I was able to grab the logs here:

Sep  4 07:44:42 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 07:44:42 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is unlocked, disabling yubikey
Sep  4 07:44:42 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 08:00:17 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 08:00:17 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is locked, renabling yubikey
Sep  4 08:00:17 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 08:31:37 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 08:31:37 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is unlocked, disabling yubikey
Sep  4 08:31:37 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 09:32:51 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 09:32:51 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is locked, renabling yubikey
Sep  4 09:32:51 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 11:09:09 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 11:09:09 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is unlocked, disabling yubikey
Sep  4 11:09:09 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 11:27:05 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 11:27:05 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is locked, renabling yubikey
Sep  4 11:27:05 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 11:33:28 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 11:33:28 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is unlocked, disabling yubikey
Sep  4 11:33:28 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 11:55:19 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 11:55:19 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is locked, renabling yubikey
Sep  4 11:55:19 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 11:59:46 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 11:59:46 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is unlocked, disabling yubikey
Sep  4 11:59:46 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 12:05:55 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 12:05:55 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is locked, renabling yubikey
Sep  4 12:05:55 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 13:08:12 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Received notification
Sep  4 13:08:12 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[90272]: Screen is unlocked, disabling yubikey
Sep  4 13:08:12 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 13:32:13 aarondunn-mbp sudo[9922]: aarondunn : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/aarondunn ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/pkill -f yubiswitch
Sep  4 13:32:13 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received signal 15. Cleaning up...
Sep  4 13:32:13 aarondunn-mbp[1] ([90272]): Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
Sep  4 13:32:58 aarondunn-mbp sudo[10169]: aarondunn : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/aarondunn ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper
Sep  4 13:33:04 aarondunn-mbp sudo[10201]: aarondunn : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/aarondunn ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper
Sep  4 13:33:14 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10428]: Failed to connect (controller) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSUserDefaultsController): missing setter or instance variable
Sep  4 13:33:14 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10428]: Helper information:     {
        Label = "com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
        Program = "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
Sep  4 13:33:14 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10428]: helper installedVersion: 0
Sep  4 13:33:14 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10428]: helper appBundleURL: file:///Applications/
Sep  4 13:33:14 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10428]: helper currentVersion: 1
Sep  4 13:33:20 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]: Received signal 15. Cleaning up...
Sep  4 13:33:25 aarondunn-mbp[1] (com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[48503]): Service did not exit 5 seconds after SIGTERM. Sending SIGKILL.
Sep  4 13:33:25 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10467]: Configuring connection event handler for helper
Sep  4 13:33:25 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10467]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 13:33:25 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10467]: IOKit.framework:IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource bad CFMachPort, <CFMachPort 0x7f9c7b601ec0 [0x7fff7a981ed0]>{valid = Yes, port = 1d0b, source = 0x7f9c7b703290, callout = IODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage (0x7fff8abfdd32), context = <CFMachPort context 0x7f9c7b601d50>}
Sep  4 13:36:39 aarondunn-mbp sudo[10771]: aarondunn : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/aarondunn ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/pkill -f yubiswitch
Sep  4 13:36:39 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10467]: Received signal 15. Cleaning up...
Sep  4 13:36:39 aarondunn-mbp[1] (com.pallotron.yubiswitch.71032[10428]): Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
Sep  4 13:36:42 aarondunn-mbp sudo[10779]: aarondunn : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/aarondunn ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/pkill -f yubiswitch
Sep  4 13:36:42 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10467]: Received signal 15. Cleaning up...
Sep  4 13:36:50 aarondunn-mbp sudo[10791]: aarondunn : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/aarondunn ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper
Sep  4 13:36:52 aarondunn-mbp sudo[10796]: aarondunn : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/aarondunn ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper
Sep  4 13:37:29 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10854]: Failed to connect (controller) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSUserDefaultsController): missing setter or instance variable
Sep  4 13:37:29 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10854]: Helper information:     {
        Label = "com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
        Program = "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
Sep  4 13:37:29 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10854]: helper installedVersion: 0
Sep  4 13:37:29 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10854]: helper appBundleURL: file:///Applications/
Sep  4 13:37:29 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[10854]: helper currentVersion: 1
Sep  4 13:37:54 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10467]: Received signal 15. Cleaning up...
Sep  4 13:37:59 aarondunn-mbp[1] (com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10467]): Service did not exit 5 seconds after SIGTERM. Sending SIGKILL.
Sep  4 13:37:59 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Configuring connection event handler for helper
Sep  4 13:37:59 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 13:38:04 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 13:38:07 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 13:38:13 aarondunn-mbp Finder[514]: [QL] LSCopyDefaultApplicationURLForURL for file:///Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper returned error The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10814.)
Sep  4 13:38:14 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 13:39:02 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 13:39:05 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 13:39:12 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 13:39:28 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 13:39:32 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[11049]: Failed to connect (controller) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSUserDefaultsController): missing setter or instance variable
Sep  4 13:39:32 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[11049]: Helper information:     {
        Label = "com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
        Program = "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
Sep  4 13:39:32 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[11049]: helper installedVersion: 1
Sep  4 13:39:32 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[11049]: helper appBundleURL: file:///Applications/
Sep  4 13:39:32 aarondunn-mbp yubiswitch[11049]: helper currentVersion: 1
Sep  4 13:39:32 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
Sep  4 13:39:41 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 1
Sep  4 13:39:51 aarondunn-mbp com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[10906]: Received message. idProduct: 16, idVendor: 4176, action: 0
pallotron commented 9 years ago

have you entered correct productID/VendorID?

pallotron commented 9 years ago

I see nothing particularly fishy in those logs, are you use you are using the correct vendor and product ids?

aarondunn commented 9 years ago

works, apologies I had the wrong product key.