pallotron / yubiswitch

OSX status bar application to enable/disable Yubikey Nano
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Yubiswitch not working after restarting computer #54

Closed doriable closed 8 years ago

doriable commented 8 years ago

Hi, opening an official issue after the yubikey embarrassingly went off while I was reviewing a similar past issue. So, I installed Yubiswitch 3 days ago and it's been working fine, but I've restarted my computer since then. Now it no longer works. I've tried restarting the program several times as well as unplugging/plugging back in my yubikey. I've also double checked that the yubiswitch preferences are set properly with my productID and vendorID.

Here are the results from /var/log/system.log, grepping for yubi:

doria @ ~$ grep yubi /var/log/system.log
Aug 16 00:17:30 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[33970]: Received message. idProduct: 1025, idVendor: 2, action: 1
Aug 16 00:17:34 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[95619]: Failed to connect (controller) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSUserDefaultsController): missing setter or instance variable
Aug 16 00:17:35 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[95619]: Helper information:     {
        Label = "com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
        Program = "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
Aug 16 00:17:35 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[95619]: helper installedVersion: 1
Aug 16 00:17:35 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[95619]: helper appBundleURL: file:///Applications/
Aug 16 00:17:35 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[95619]: helper currentVersion: 1
Aug 16 00:17:35 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[33970]: Received message. idProduct: 1025, idVendor: 2, action: 0
Aug 16 00:36:48 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[33970]: Received message. idProduct: 1025, idVendor: 2, action: 1
Aug 16 00:38:45 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[96769]: Failed to connect (controller) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSUserDefaultsController): missing setter or instance variable
Aug 16 00:38:45 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[96769]: Helper information:     {
        Label = "com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
        Program = "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper";
Aug 16 00:38:45 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[96769]: helper installedVersion: 1
Aug 16 00:38:45 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[96769]: helper appBundleURL: file:///Applications/
Aug 16 00:38:45 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 yubiswitch[96769]: helper currentVersion: 1
Aug 16 00:38:45 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[33970]: Received message. idProduct: 1025, idVendor: 2, action: 0
Aug 16 00:38:56 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[33970]: Received message. idProduct: 1025, idVendor: 2, action: 1
Aug 16 00:39:01 doria-C02RP35AFVH8 com.pallotron.yubiswitch.helper[33970]: Received message. idProduct: 1025, idVendor: 2, action: 0
pallotron commented 8 years ago

uhm, so if the helper prints "Received message" messages it means the hot key is working... can you define better what you mean by "now it no longer works"?

doriable commented 8 years ago

Yubswitch no longer disables the yubikey, regardless of what it's set to.

pallotron commented 8 years ago

it's very difficult to troubleshoot this without actually being able to see it. I suggest you try the uninstallation procedure at

then reinstall the dmg...

pallotron commented 8 years ago

no activity for a long time, closing.