pallotron / yubiswitch

OSX status bar application to enable/disable Yubikey Nano
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Yubiswitch not re-enabling YubiKey on Lock in 10.2.2 Sierra #59

Closed bmorgenthaler closed 7 years ago

bmorgenthaler commented 7 years ago

macOS: 10.12.2 Yubiswitch: 0.12

When calling Lock from Alfred or from HotCorners yubiswitch doesn't re-enable to YubiKey to allow for unlock. Remoting into the system with SSH allows for calling osascript KeyOn or to kill yubiswitch which then allows for successful logon.

pallotron commented 7 years ago

weird, I can't repro. I am too on 10.12.2 (I think there is a typo in your title/summary) and 0.12. I just tried with hotcorner and it works.

Do you have "Enable Yubikey when system locks/sleeps"? Like this:


pallotron commented 7 years ago

it works with hotcorner and not with Alfred -> lock. it works with alfred -> screensaver

pallotron commented 7 years ago

See instructions on The way I use it is by forcing request of password immediately upon sleep/screensaver. Alfred -> Lock maybe not supported. Patch/PRs welcome.


bmorgenthaler commented 7 years ago

Yep 10.12.2, fat fingered it.

Hmm, so my screensaver isn't configured to require password right after sleep unfortunately (Due to some bug in JAMF deployment I'm told).

However I did put Keychain Access in my menu bar and locked through that and Yubiswitch worked. I don't know what method Alfred calls with lock, I'll have to dig into that.

pallotron commented 7 years ago

ok I will close this ticket.