Description: Create the page to accept deliveries. Enables drivers to accept available delivery jobs based on their current location and route. This page should appear when a path is input. Get the basic framework down first, don't worry about styling yet. Styling can be done in the last milestone. This ticket focuses on creating the listings list.
The listing page should have:
Place to input set the start and end of a journey
List with all the deliveries within a certain radium of the path
Ability to select a delivery and view open the page to accept/decline the request
Button to go back to the previous page
Ability to go back to the page where you input the starting point and destination
Acceptance criteria for part 2:
[x] Verify with the backend that the correct listings are showing for the given location
[x] You can go back and forth between the different pages of listings (It may be easier to have one mega listing and just have a button to keep expanding. Dealing with pages/routing sucks IMO)
Description: Create the page to accept deliveries. Enables drivers to accept available delivery jobs based on their current location and route. This page should appear when a path is input. Get the basic framework down first, don't worry about styling yet. Styling can be done in the last milestone. This ticket focuses on creating the listings list.
The listing page should have:
Acceptance criteria for part 2:
Estimated time (hrs): 10
Time spent: 10
Notes: Check if the component already exists in a library shadcn/ui or react-native-reusables. MUI is also an industry used library
Look into using the Google Maps API
See the meeting notes for reference.
It may be a good idea to consider having the starting and stopping point page and the listing page in one page.