palomachain / paloma

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BUG: Pigeon Operator Keys error="failed to broadcast tx: out of gas" when implemented. #1312

Open taariq opened 1 month ago

taariq commented 1 month ago

What is happening?

Section description Provide as much context as you can. Give as much context as you can to make it easier for the developers to figure what is happening.

Nodes Guru validator implemented Pigeon Operator Keys and receives out of gas errors.

time="2024-10-23T23:32:07Z" level=info msg="signing transaction" component=send-msgs key=pigeon-operator-charlie x-correlation-id=cscoetjajpmfkt2urua0 time="2024-10-23T23:32:07Z" level=warning msg="Failed to broadcast TX." error="out of gas" sync-result="&{11 out of gas in location: ValuePerByte; gasWanted: 0, gasUsed: 1174: out of gas sdk 592E6BBCAE58DC52A7011EE09F9B0A73876BC2C623328FB1764E7C13C0659B70}" x-correlation-id=cscoetjajpmfkt2urua0 time="2024-10-23T23:32:07Z" level=error msg="error returned in process loop" error="failed to broadcast tx: out of gas" x-correlation-id=cscoetjajpmfkt2urua0

paloma1u35uzp4yxqsc8zc09ewvl7q5xyae0qylk69whc charlie address

gas-adjustment: 3.0 not enough or it missed in the new implementation, I will try to increase this value

time="2024-10-23T23:52:27Z" level=info msg="signing transaction" component=send-msgs key=pigeon-operator-alpha x-correlation-id=cscood3ajpmelpq7p2v0 time="2024-10-23T23:52:28Z" level=error msg="Error while trying to keep pigeon alive." component=try-send-keep-alive error="transaction failed with code: 11" x-correlation-id=cscood3ajpmelpq7p2v0 time="2024-10-23T23:52:28Z" level=warning msg="keep alive: Attempt [3/3] failed to send keep alive call. Will retry in 4s" error="transaction failed with code: 11" x-correlation-id=cscood3ajpmelpq7p2v0

ErrOutOfGas = errorsmod.Register(RootCodespace, 11, "out of gas")

same with gas-adjustment: 5.0

How to reproduce?

Section description Please write detailed steps of what you were doing for this bug to appear.

paloma: signing-keys:

What is the expected behaviour?

Section description If you know, please write down what is the expected behaviour. If you don't know, that's ok. We can have a discussion in comments.

No out of gas issues.

byte-bandit commented 1 month ago

This just means one of two things

a) the operator keys haven't been setup properly (check for proper fee grant) b) the granter address is lacking funds

aditya-manit commented 1 month ago

same stuff here as well

time="2024-10-25T16:32:55Z" level=warning msg="keep alive: Attempt [1/3] failed to send keep alive call. Will retry in 1s" error="failed to broadcast tx: out of gas" x-correlation-id=csdsgdp4dbnhlria31kg
time="2024-10-25T16:32:55Z" level=warning msg="Failed to broadcast TX." error="out of gas" sync-result="&{11  out of gas in location: ValuePerByte; gasWanted: 0, gasUsed: 1174: out of gas sdk F77285A86F7B787CB24142A56DF28A022E6BA9CF6C863BC6ADEED4DBAAB01C70}" x-correlation-id=csdsgdh4dbnhlria31j0
time="2024-10-25T16:32:55Z" level=error msg="error returned in process loop" error="failed to broadcast tx: out of gas" x-correlation-id=csdsgdh4dbnhlria31j0
time="2024-10-25T16:32:55Z" level=warning msg="Failed to broadcast TX." error="out of gas" sync-result="&{11  out of gas in location: ValuePerByte; gasWanted: 0, gasUsed: 1174: out of gas sdk 4C7CBA2B487D64C85F55AF3268BBA97CA398BDB0366C034F1C7AE925BF76A825}" x-correlation-id=csdsgdp4dbnhlria31lg
time="2024-10-25T16:32:55Z" level=error msg="error returned in process loop" error="failed to broadcast tx: out of gas" x-correlation-id=csdsgdp4dbnhlria31lg
taariq commented 1 month ago

@aditya-manit will you share your keys for both granter and operator keys?

aditya-manit commented 1 month ago
- address: paloma1w2v6nq3stz8kwxk8txv695frm0xcwd7vcp6f6h
  name: pigeon-operator-alpha
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Awr76COnY1vm3UuyTpK1ycKwHR5wrtdakjVOBFO6el77"}'
  type: local
- address: paloma156l3ua9428tvj37ptrpzlzak328az9dsltms0f
  name: pigeon-operator-bravo
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A8ra4DLO15eR87vkiO8488YA6OdJ1nT4f8B884m0UPTQ"}'
  type: local
- address: paloma10h5mu8v2cge0gvehzyqh4hgqz6sl2swa96yq3z
  name: pigeon-operator-charlie
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AiUfdoWa7m+edLb9leUIO42mfbupAHDI8rncTvINGhOF"}'
  type: local
- address: paloma1s0lankh33kprer2l22nank5rvsuh9ksaxkx852
  name: wallet
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A3beVgIqq0m2at7sDUoMklta4CMjRkqR69M0LpS0l/Hf"}'
  type: local