I would like a combination of "Last Set" and "Follow set by set" which works as in this example:
Last time I did 4 sets of exercise X: A1 4x10, A2 4x10, A3 4x10 A4 4x10
Next time I do 4 sets of exercise X again: B1 4x10, B2 4x12 and when I press Finish Set the next will be 4x10 but I want it to be 4x12 (and also for B4).
I would like a combination of "Last Set" and "Follow set by set" which works as in this example:
Example: Last time I did 4 sets of exercise X: A1 4x10, A2 4x10, A3 4x10 A4 4x10 Next time I do 4 sets of exercise X again: B1 4x10, B2 4x12 and when I press Finish Set the next will be 4x10 but I want it to be 4x12 (and also for B4).
Suggestion from https://github.com/stovocor