pamidur / aspect-injector

AOP framework for .NET (c#, vb, etc)
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How about Kind.Exception #153

Open jerviscui opened 3 years ago

jerviscui commented 3 years ago

Now, if want to get Exception must be add a Kind.Around Advice. It will create code like:

[Advice(Kind.Around, Targets = Target.Method)]
public object Handle([Argument(Source.Name)] string name, [Argument(Source.Target)] Func<object[], object> method, 
    [Argument(Source.Arguments)] object[] arguments)
        var result = method(arguments);
        return result;
    catch (Exception e)

The rethrow Exception has waves method stack, just like:

at AspectInjectorTest.AsyncAroundTest.a$_around_SyncTest_100663303_o() at AspectInjectorTest.AsyncAroundTest.a$_around_SyncTest_100663303_u(Object[] ) at AspectInjectorTest.ArroundAttribute.Handle()

Perhaps, let Kind.Exception Advice waves into target method,

public void Test()
        //origin method body
        //Kind.Exception Advice execute

and Task method,

private sealed class <AwaitTest>d__1 : IAsyncStateMachine
    private void MoveNext()
        int num = <>1__state;
            //TaskAwaiter awaiter;            
        catch (Exception exception)
            //Kind.Exception Advice execute
        ref AsyncTaskMethodBuilder reference = ref <>t__builder;
        //Aspect After

Just a thought. Thankyou.

pamidur commented 3 years ago

Hi @jerviscui , thanks for the suggestion! A few questions: is the only inconvenience with Kind.Around is the stacktrace? Or there some other concerns?

your suggestion is definitely doable , but sometimes ago there were talks about getting rid of everything except Kind.Around in favor of stability and robustness

pamidur commented 3 years ago

omg, just realized you posted in April, I'm so sorry)) I'm not ignoring this project, I was just away

jerviscui commented 3 years ago

It doesn't matter. This project is so cool. Thank you!

pamidur commented 3 years ago

Thank you! If we want to implement Kind.Exception we need to answer these(and maybe more) questions:

devfinnd commented 2 years ago

Since this Thread has been silent for quite a while I'd like to chime in and give some suggestions/opinions in hopes of this feature being released someday:

Choosing exceptions could likely be done by requiring the Attribute to implement some kind of Method/Interface through which the Types could be gathered. Alternatively with the upcoming generic Attributes there could be a required generic Parameter on the Attribute which could then be read in some form like triggers are currently.

Rethrow should imo be opt-in since Exception handling should be assumed to actually "handle" the Exception in some way

In general rethrowing should probably be something like how BackgroundWorker in Winforms goes about it by catching any exception and providing it to the _Completed Event as a Parameter Property.

Something like [Argument(Source.Exception)] Exception exception or [Argument(Source.Exception)] TException exception with a generic Constraint would imo look and feel the best

In an optimal world this would also not modify the stacktrace like Kind.Around does and instead preserve all information with the rethrow part actually rethrowing in the original method.

pamidur commented 2 years ago

Thank you for input, I assure you this feature is on the table we're looking into it