panates / postgrejs

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Abort connections/queries on close #41

Closed unilynx closed 1 month ago

unilynx commented 1 month ago

This helps ensure that connections are closed and queries rejected when the server goes away for whatever reason.

(originally written by @blexrob)

We've been running this change for a couple of weeks/months without problems.

We've got some test cases but these are not trivial to port back to postgrejs. See this as pseudo-code...

async function testClosedConnectionHandling() {
  const worker = new AsyncWorker;
  await worker.callRemote("@mod-webhare_testsuite/tests/system/nodejs/data/context-tests.ts#runShortLivedContext", 0);
  await worker.callRemote("@mod-webhare_testsuite/tests/system/nodejs/data/context-tests.ts#runShortLivedContext", 1);
  await worker.callRemote("@mod-webhare_testsuite/tests/system/nodejs/data/context-tests.ts#testQueryInNewContext");

  //test with an external kill to the postgres process to see if we catch serverside disconnects to
  const worker2 = new AsyncWorker;
  await worker2.callRemote("@mod-webhare_testsuite/tests/system/nodejs/data/context-tests.ts#runAndKillTransaction");
  await worker2.callRemote("@mod-webhare_testsuite/tests/system/nodejs/data/context-tests.ts#testQueryInNewContext");

export async function runShortLivedContext(sleepMs: number) {
  const context = new CodeContext("shortContext 1");

  await () => {
    // Wait for the db connection to become ready, after that the blobtype oid scan is started
    await new Promise(resolve => __getConnection()["pgclient"]?.on("ready", resolve));
    /* exit - this will kill the db connection. If queries aren't correctly closed when the context is
       closed, the blob oid scan will hang indefinately and subsequent connections will hang on it
    if (sleepMs) {
      await sleep(sleepMs);

export async function testQueryInNewContext() {
  const context = new CodeContext("shortContext 2");
  try {
    return await () => {
      // Initialize db connection. will start scanning the blob oid.
      return sql`SELECT 1 AS result`.execute(db());
      // exit - this will kill the db connection
  } finally {

export async function runAndKillTransaction() {
  await beginWork(); //work is needed to prevent crash but also makes us safer if we start to pool
  const pid = (await query<{ pg_backend_pid: number }>('select pg_backend_pid()')).rows[0].pg_backend_pid;
  const promised = query('select pg_sleep(10)');
  promised.catch(() => { });
  await sleep(100); //give the PG driver time to start the query
  process.kill(pid, 'SIGTERM');
  await test.throws(/Connection closed/, promised);
erayhanoglu commented 1 month ago

Thank you for contributing. This is a great patch.