pancakeswap / pancake-info-api

Serverless API implementation for PancakeSwap on-chain data query.
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API's Dead? #146

Open theskyfloor opened 1 year ago

theskyfloor commented 1 year ago

API's all 500 error on GraphQL, are these end points dead?

Crypto2 commented 1 year ago

Def still having issues, results in:

{"error":{"code":500,"message":"GraphQL error: panic processing query: only derived fields can lead to multiple children here"}}

uranik777 commented 1 year ago

Who will correct this?

xiaohuangwritebug commented 1 year ago

no fixed?

defiBuilders commented 1 year ago

Note: The following solution doesn't seem to be working for all tokens sadly, but it worked for my case. Hope it helps.

Same error on my end. I noticed that there are string inconsistencies with the contract address when comparing it to what's available on BSC scan versus what's returned from certain contract method calls responsible for returning token addresses.

For example:

const token0Address = lpContract.methods.token0().call()
//Returns : 0x9a3321E1aCD3B9F6debEE5e042dD2411A1742002

Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 8 45 47 PM

On the other hand, if I apply a lower case to the same address -> 0x9a3321e1acd3b9f6debee5e042dd2411a1742002, I no longer get the error. Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 8 46 59 PM

yjgfn commented 1 year ago
