Extension of #198 to include add liquidity and how it might look like
attached logs output from the POC
---------start of testSwap_xx add liquidity----------------------
balanceof user t0: 1010
balanceof user t1: 1010
balanceof user hAddr: 0
balanceof user hAddr: 0
balanceof user vault: 0
balanceof user vault: 0
---------end of testSwap_xx add liquidity ----------------------
balanceof user t0: 1009
balanceof user t1: 1009
balanceof user hAddr: 0
balanceof user hAddr: 0
balanceof user vault: 1
balanceof user vault: 1
---------start of testSwap_xx swap----------------------
reserveOfApp t0 (ethers) 0
reserveOfApp t1 (ethers) 0
balanceof user t0: 1009
balanceof user t1: 1009
balanceof user hAddr: 0
balanceof user hAddr: 0
---------end of testSwap_xx swap----------------------
reserveOfApp t0 (ethers) 0
reserveOfApp t1 (ethers) 0
balanceof user t0: 1008
balanceof user t1: 1010
balanceof user hAddr: 0
balanceof user hAddr: 0
Extension of #198 to include add liquidity and how it might look like
attached logs output from the POC