Open jtratner opened 11 years ago
ggplot has some similar code which can be used similar to matplotlibs @image_comparison
decorator or via a assert_same_ggplot
Testing is very easy:
from . import get_assert_same_ggplot, cleanup
assert_same_ggplot = get_assert_same_ggplot(__file__)
def test_geom_density():
df = _build_testing_df()
gg = ggplot(aes(x="x", color="c"), data=df)
gg = gg + geom_density() + xlab("x label") + ylab("y label")
assert_same_ggplot(gg, "geom_density")
or via the decorator:
from . import image_comparison
@image_comparison(baseline_images=['theme_mpl_all_before', 'theme_mpl_all_after'])
def test_theme_matplotlib4():
gg = ggplot(aes(x='date', y='beef'), data=meat) + \
geom_point(color='lightblue') + \
stat_smooth(span=.15, color='black', se=True) + \
ggtitle("Beef: It's What's for Dinner") + \
xlab("Date") + \
ylab("Head of Cattle Slaughtered")
print(gg + theme_matplotlib())
print(gg+theme_matplotlib({"": "serif"}, matplotlib_defaults=False))
It will compare the current images to once which are in <dir where the tests are>/baseline_images/<testfile without ".py">/
. Running the tests will copy the baseline images to a "result_images" dir and adding the current images and comparing them. Generating baseline images can be done via running the tests and copying the images from result_images/test_xyz
to .../baseline_images/test_xyz
The fork of the decorator was needed for two reasons: using it outside of matplotlib can only be done after matplotlib 1.1.1 (which we test against) and we also wanted to change some antialising settings which were hardcoded in matplotlib. I also changed the code to only produce/compare png images (
ggplot also has a which generates a browser page which can be used to visually compare the images.
I would be interested in this - if this is still requiring a PR ? If so, do all the plotting tests need to be dealt with in this PR itself or split into different ones ?
Is there a preference for using @compare_images
over @image_comparison
from the matpoltlib testing suite ?
I tried using this for a personal project 5ish years ago and found that I got very slightly different images on different machines (mac vs ubuntu), python versions, dependency versions, ... In the end I threw in the towel on it. I'd be happy to find I was doing something wrong.
With #5378 - could be a good time to start comparing against images for these plotting tests... matplotlib has a test function and GeoPandas is working on it here -, so we could work off of their example, maybe a decorator that handles ensure_clean and comparisons...