pandas-dev / pandas

Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
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BUG: read_csv throws TypeError with iterator, nrows #59079

Closed mdavis-xyz closed 1 week ago

mdavis-xyz commented 1 week ago

Pandas version checks

Reproducible Example

from io import BytesIO
import pandas

csv = b'a,b\n1,2\n3,4'
with BytesIO(csv) as f:
    it = pd.read_csv(
    for df in it:


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[82], line 11
      5 with BytesIO(csv) as f:
      6     it = pd.read_csv(
      7                 f,
      8                 nrows=1,
      9                 iterator=True,
     10             )
---> 11     for df in it:
     12         pass

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\pandas\io\parsers\, in TextFileReader.__next__(self)
   1841 def __next__(self) -> DataFrame:
   1842     try:
-> 1843         return self.get_chunk()
   1844     except StopIteration:
   1845         self.close()

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\pandas\io\parsers\, in TextFileReader.get_chunk(self, size)
   1982     if self._currow >= self.nrows:
   1983         raise StopIteration
-> 1984     size = min(size, self.nrows - self._currow)
   1985 return

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'NoneType'

### Issue Description

It seems that `read_csv` throws a `TypeError` when combining `nrows` and `iterable`.

My context: I want to convert a CSV to parquet. The CSV is larger than memory, so I want to use `iterator=True`. The CSV contains a footer. But since `skipfooter` is not supported for the fast engines (c or pyarrow), and `comment` can only be a single character, I want to instead indirectly skip the footer by using `nrows`. (I know in advance the number of rows.) My data contains `\r\n` line endings, although the error happens with normal `\n`.

### Expected Behavior

The script runs without error. `nrows` rows of data are returned (across one chunk in this small example). 

### Installed Versions

commit                : d9cdd2ee5a58015ef6f4d15c7226110c9aab8140
python                :
python-bits           : 64
OS                    : Windows
OS-release            : 10
Version               : 10.0.19045
machine               : AMD64
processor             : Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 12, GenuineIntel
byteorder             : little
LC_ALL                : None
LANG                  : None
LOCALE                : English_Australia.1252

pandas                : 2.2.2
numpy                 : 1.26.4
pytz                  : 2024.1
dateutil              : 2.9.0.post0
setuptools            : 69.5.1
pip                   : 24.0
Cython                : None
pytest                : 7.4.4
hypothesis            : None
sphinx                : 7.3.7
blosc                 : None
feather               : 0.4.1
xlsxwriter            : 3.2.0
lxml.etree            : 5.2.1
html5lib              : 1.1
pymysql               : None
psycopg2              : None
jinja2                : 3.1.4
IPython               : 8.25.0
pandas_datareader     : None
adbc-driver-postgresql: None
adbc-driver-sqlite    : None
bs4                   : 4.12.2
bottleneck            : 1.3.7
dataframe-api-compat  : None
fastparquet           : None
fsspec                : 2024.3.1
gcsfs                 : None
matplotlib            : 3.8.4
numba                 : 0.59.1
numexpr               : 2.8.7
odfpy                 : None
openpyxl              : 3.1.2
pandas_gbq            : None
pyarrow               : 14.0.2
pyreadstat            : None
python-calamine       : None
pyxlsb                : None
s3fs                  : 2024.3.1
scipy                 : 1.13.1
sqlalchemy            : 2.0.30
tables                : 3.9.2
tabulate              : 0.9.0
xarray                : 2023.6.0
xlrd                  : 2.0.1
zstandard             : 0.22.0
tzdata                : 2023.3
qtpy                  : 2.4.1
pyqt5                 : None
mdavis-xyz commented 1 week ago

The error does not occur if chunksize is specified. That's the None the error refers to.

So I'm guessing that the default value for chunksize is not applied if nrows is set.

The solution (workaround for user for now): specify chunksize.

The solution (for pandas developers):

Aloqeely commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the report! I will submit a PR soon which will use your first solution (apply default chunksize)