pandeiro / boot-http

A simple HTTP serve task for the Boot build tool
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TTFB problems with -H #45

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I first want to say thanks for a great boot task, this is very helpful.

My current api setup does not make it easy for client-side developers. In order to get around CORS and other resource-allowed security issues, I have to proxy things around. Requests to /api are proxied to the actual development api, while all static-file requests are served from a local fileserver.

While trying to get boot-http to play this proxying role, I notice the TTFB slows dramatically (500-800ms to 2500ms). I can't see anything obvious in the source that would cause this slowdown, except for the fact that I'm using -H 'my.handler, where my-handler (and its dependencies) could be choking the pipeline:

(defroutes routes
  (route/resources "/" {:root "target"})
  (route/files "/" {:root "target"})
  (route/not-found "Page not found")
  (OPTIONS "/v1" []
           {:status 200
            :headers {"access-control-allow-origin" "*"
                      "access-control-allow-credentials" true
                      "access-control-allow-headers" "allow, content-type, cache-control, authorization, location, if-none-match"
                      "access-control-allow-methods" "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH"
                      "access-control-expose-headers" "allow, content-type, cache-control, authorization, location, etag"}}))

(def app
  (-> routes
      (wrap-proxy "/v1" "my.development.api/v1")))

This all looks like pretty standard stuff that is widely used, and I can't imagine that's what's causing the slowdown. After some more exploration I noticed that the boot task itself when declaring :reload true seems to cause the dramatic TTFB reduction.

(serve :dir "target" :handler 'proxy.core/app :reload true) <-- 2500+ ms (serve :dir "target" :handler 'proxy.core/app) <-- 500-700ms

I guess I have two questions- 1) any idea why this is so much slower? 2) the ring-reload here is just reloading my proxy.core/app.cljs routes files if that changes, correct? If that's the case I can happily turn it off since this is just a simple dev-only proxy server.