pandeiro / boot-http

A simple HTTP serve task for the Boot build tool
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How can i proxy request to my real backend? #69

Closed alehatsman closed 6 years ago

alehatsman commented 6 years ago

Hi, i use aleph server as backend.

I have a few questions, first one is, if i pass my own ring handler, how can i serve files from build pipeline, if boot store files in temp folders...?

Because of the first problem i decided ok, let's use your implementation, how can i proxy all non static files requests to my real backend? I also can't. Because for that i need to pass ring handler. And if i pass it, i can't serve static files from build pipeline.

I am in few steps of throwing all my boot configuration to trash and rewriting it in lein.

What options can u suggest ?

Thank you.

alehatsman commented 6 years ago

I found that i can pass not-found function. And that function is actually a proxy to real server. So now i use serve task only for static files and everything else goes throw not-fund function.

Proxy handler:

  (:require [aleph.http :as http]
            [app.config :as config]))

(defn handler 
  "This handler used in boot serve task. 
  It proxies all requests for dynamic content to real backend."
  @(http/get (format "http://localhost:%s%s" (config/get-port) (:uri req))))


(deftask start
  "The `run` task wraps the building of your application in some
   useful tools for local development: an http server, a file watcher
   a ClojureScript REPL and a hot reloading mechanism"
  (comp (backend-dev)
        (serve :dir "resources/public" :not-found '