pandoc-ext / diagram

Generate diagrams from embedded code; supports Mermaid, Dot/GraphViz, PlantUML, Asymptote, and TikZ.
MIT License
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Feature Request: more output options #11

Open alexjago opened 1 year ago

alexjago commented 1 year ago


I'd be interested in using diagram but it's a little tricky right now.

My workflow is markdown to html (just pandoc and a makefile, not quarto), so diagram doesn't really work unless one or both of embed-resources and extract-media options are active.

But those aren't good options for me - there's plenty of other things that I link to in a given document, but nothing else that I'd want embedded or extracted.

Rather, what I'd like is to be able to configure diagram to output its images to some path and then link to that. (I got halfway there by setting the cache directory, but then tripped up on the hashes being different.)

If this is out of scope for the project because it's not a use case that makes sense for other output formats, fair enough.

tarleb commented 2 months ago

Apologies for the late reply, my open source work had to lay dormant for a while.

Is this still something that you need, or did you find a workaround?

alexjago commented 2 months ago

Hey, thanks for responding, all good!

I think I just didn't do anything with embedded diagrams.

My particular use case is probably going to change anyway (shifting from plain pandoc + makefile to something Jekyll based) so I definitely fall into one of "don't need" or "worked around".

I still think this is a use case that'd make sense to somebody, of course.

tarleb commented 2 months ago

OK, thank you. I'll leave this open then, but won't treat it as a priority for now.