pandoc-ext / diagram

Generate diagrams from embedded code; supports Mermaid, Dot/GraphViz, PlantUML, Asymptote, and TikZ.
MIT License
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tikz latex template should use standalone option [tikz] for marginless tikz diagrams #15

Closed PeterSommerlad closed 2 months ago

PeterSommerlad commented 4 months ago

As of today the standalone document template for tikz diagrams looks like:

local tikz_template = pandoc.template.compile [[

this way all images get a left-hand border, even when cropped.

However, the latex package standalone has a dedicated [tikz] option that gives much cleaner results and renders images without a left-hand border. So the above template should be replaced with

--- LaTeX template used to compile TikZ images. Takes additional
--- packages as the first, and the actual TikZ code as the second
--- argument.
local tikz_template = pandoc.template.compile [[
PeterSommerlad commented 4 months ago

see pull request #16

tarleb commented 2 months ago

Fixed via PR #16.