pandoc-ext / multibib

Generate multiple, topic-specific bibliographies.
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Inline citations not being processed when converting to Typst #12

Open bcdavasconcelos opened 8 months ago

bcdavasconcelos commented 8 months ago

I noticed a curious pattern. It happens when using multibib and converting to typst. The inline citations are not getting rendered, instead they are being converted to the typst markup.

Here is how a working document looks like after conversion to HTML.

(base) ➜  mwe3 pandoc -f markdown index.qmd -dfilters --to html
[WARNING] Citeproc: citation EN not found
<p><span class="citation" data-cites="EN">(<a href="#ref-EN"
role="doc-biblioref">Aristotelis 1831</a>)</span>.</p>
<div id="refs-primary" class="references csl-bib-body hanging-indent"
data-entry-spacing="0" role="list">
<div id="ref-EN" class="csl-entry" role="listitem">
Aristotelis. 1831. <span>“Ethica Nicomachea.”</span> In <em>Aristotelis
Opera</em>, edited by Immanuel Bekker. Berlim: Reimer.
(base) ➜  mwe3

Here is how the same file converts to typst.

(base) ➜  mwe3 pandoc -f markdown index.qmd -dfilters --to typst
[WARNING] Citeproc: citation EN not found

Aristotelis. 1831. “Ethica Nicomachea.” In #emph[Aristotelis Opera];,
edited by Immanuel Bekker. Berlim: Reimer.

] <ref-EN>
] <refs-primary>
(base) ➜  mwe3

Instead of #cite(<EN>) we should be getting Aristotelis 1831.

Here is a MWE.

I still have no idea where the error could be. Using pandoc 3.1.11.

tarleb commented 4 months ago

Is this still a problem, and does the MWE still exist? I tried to access it just now, but couldn't.