pandoc / lua-filters

A collection of lua filters for pandoc
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Problem using Scholarly-Metadata #108

Open the-solipsist opened 4 years ago

the-solipsist commented 4 years ago

Hi. I'm trying to use scholarly-metadata.lua. Inter alia, I have the following in my defaults.yaml:

## General
  keywords: 'PANELFIT, GDPR, code of conduct'
## Citations and Citeproc
  reference-section-title: "References"
  bibliography: "coc.bib"
  citation-style: "chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl"
  lang: 'en-GB'
  link-citations: true

  - setdate/setdate.lua
  - scholarly-metadata/scholarly-metadata.lua
  - author-info-blocks/author-info-blocks.lua

I have used the example from in the scholarly-metadata folder:

- id: Jane Doe
  - 1
  - 2
  name: Jane Doe
  equal_contributor: "yes"
- id: John Q. Doe
  - 1
  name: John Q. Doe
  equal_contributor: "yes"
- id: Peder Ås
  - 1
  name: Peder Ås
- id: Juan Pérez
  - 3
  name: Juan Pérez
- id: Max Mustermann
  name: Max Mustermann
- address: '23 Science Street, Eureka, Mississippi, USA'
  id: fosg
  index: 1
  name: Formatting Open Science Group
- id: fop
  index: 2
  name: Federation of Planets
- id: Acme Corporation
  index: 3
  name: Acme Corporation

However, I get this output: Screenshot from 2020-08-27 02-20-55

What am I doing wrong?

Also, if I use indent: true, then the alignment also gets messed up.

Also, is there any way of changing this into proper footnotes that appear in the footnote area in the bottom of the page?

tarleb commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report. This should have worked, but it looks like the filter no longer links institutes to authors when using institute indices.

The work-around for now is to assign institute IDs and to use those instead of the numerical indices, as described in "method 2" in the README.