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Next level Hazmat suit #260

Open Klaranth opened 2 years ago

Klaranth commented 2 years ago

baijin a super-hazmat suit that uses chalcogenide deca-hydride, which is a compression level of super-hydrides, superconductor materials to reduce radiation penetration

Huhhila Thought current hazmat suit already protects from being right next to at least 5 corium sources? Feel brave enough for testing what the limit is, if any? (does not provide thermal protection though)

baijin I believe real life hazmat suits using hydrogens bonded to hydrocarbons to slow neutrons are not super effective, and i was referring to capabilities of real life stuff, since ive never seen how good an in game hazmat suit is. I assumed, since people said before they still are worried about it with a suit, and that they still take damage, that it was less effective.

Hedgehog What items/nodes will be needed to craft such a super hazmat suit? There are other mods that can bring in new ores and metals into the game. Do some research please to see if those can work, and come up with a solution to actually craft the super hazmat suit.

baijin Well since the superhydrides are new and difficult to get working ... They use strong ceramic materials that can handle high temperatures and are stronger than metals, and stabilizing atoms which keep the hydrogen lattice from jiggling apart so electrons can flow through the channels according to BCS theory. But, it doesn't necessarily have to be a superconductor, meaning that metallic hydrogen or compressed forms that are not so special could be used as well.

Hedgehog Come up with a working/ workable solution of craft recipe and post it in here. :)

Huhhila Likely to get rejected from game balancing point of view unless it has further downsides too...

baijin Can it generate energy as well, otherwise it doesn't have to be a supcon, but if it is a supcon, you can capture beta emission and use its kinetic energy to increase voltage and amperage.

Hedgehog Doesnt and shouldnt be just 1 recipe to make it, if it is really special it should be difficult to craft, using lots of alloying, and perhaps using a freezer to cool down items needed, etc. Make use of a LOT of tech stuff to get the next level hazmat suit. And include a flaw into it. Like perhaps you need 99 air bottles in it every 15 minutes.

baijin Steel and share nicos world's prevention mechanism for block-removal & rollback lagging and wall-phasing/

SX Current hazmat suit intended downsides can already be countered too easily, I think huge speed reduction would work. One possible thing could be to disable some effects like fly and other boosts.

baijin Yeah, a solid compression of uranium, lanthanum, hydrogen in a crystal lattice would definitely be hard, we could even estimate its density according to the crystal spacing, using alternative heavy elements that don't easily capture radiation and transmute into radionucleotides. The super-hazmat suit will need its fluid-containing membrane to be charged periodically, which contain stable particles that decay into charged pions and then into muons when bombarded with a corium or other radiation source. If the muon-providing material in the membrane fluid is depleted, then the suit will start to rapidly destroy itself due to the loss of muons which stabilize the dense superhydride meta-ceramic lattice.

One of the stabilizing materials in the superhydride crystal lattice will be Hassium, where its unique property of being a heavy element indicated by its density, allows electron orbitals to be stable only if they move at relatavistic speeds, which improves the lifetime of muon decay in order to maintain a stable lattice for longer. We will ignore the details of replacing hassium's electrons with Muons, which are far heavier and significantly reduce the covalant radius and increase the density. Other heavy elements can be used in the membrane refueling with significantly reduced effective time spendable in radiative environments, however still longer than the normal lithium doped UHMWPE plastic suit

Hedgehog Does parts of it precrafting need to be run through the uranium upgrading facilities as well ?

baijin To chemically isolate the relevant chemical properties of hassium in the extractor, then isolating the stable isotope of hassium which is used for the suit, sure. This will be complicated, so it has to have some big benefits as well

Hedgehog Okay, now with all the info provided, can you write out the crafting recipes? Which node made goes where in the crafting area of inventory ? You have up to 9 slots to place something to craft.

baijin Well, is there the possibility to make an x-ray ablation machine to craft the metamaterial from diamonds, or from other carbon sources?

Hedgehog In NSSM there is a mese dragon egg that takes a LOT of crafting. Talking about killing tons of lower level mobsters, basically all mobsters from NSSM needs to be killed at least a dozen times, then a dozen times each of the bosses to get the items, that needs to be crafted into parts, before you can even try to get to the crafting of the egg. Something THAT complicated should be also for your idea.

And if we dont have an Xray machine, how do we craft one? Probably needs HV cable/power ? Maybe there is a mod that has the Xray machine already

baijin Yes, what is the estimate for the voltage of the HV system in the game? I guess HV will work, since using that to get a few hundred kilovolts to ablate nano-carbon structures is pretty easy I'll look up what frequency it needs to be to roughly mill out the nanopores It should be somewhere in the ballpark of 300 Million Gigahertz, or around 1 nm, or around 1,240 electronVolts photon energy So that puts it in the Gamma range, at 30x10^24 Hertz or oscillations per second

Hedgehog Looked it up, lv transformer can transform a max of 120 volts down to 32. The mv transformer can transform higher volts down to 120 volts which is used for that lv transformer. And the HV transformer can transform an even higher voltage down to the one that the MV transformer can take. Source :

Maybe you need to make a modpack that introduces a higher voltage for the hazmat suit : UHV . Ultra HV.

baijin We might need a special machine just to tolerate the generation of gamma photons... We could use Extreme X-ray Heterodyning to photon-double and orthogonalize the signal to produce localized 1nm Gamma peaks. Either of these options will need some research

The suit's meta-crystal muon percentage range will have to be kept between two active concentrations in order to prevent collapse fractures and spontaneous re-radiative transmutation as well as spongiform dislocations, failure of protection, and combustion of the suit material.

The need for Gamma photons was incorrect. the calculator used did not display the frequency-wavelength relationship correctly. 1nm is covered in the X-Ray range. No special emitters or photon doublers will be needed Knowing that normal X-Ray emitters will work down to 10 Picometers, and that the feature size of the meta-material milling is around 100 picometers give or take, we can move a little further The new X-Ray Photon Energy measured in electron Volts is now around 12,400 eV to get 100 Picometer wavelength light

The X-Ray nano-milling machine will need to be pumped to a vacuum using the vacuum:airpump mod and the X-Ray milling machine will need to operate as a dynamic heterodyne emitter in order to release atoms from the material and evacuate them from the 3D nano-structure. We can integrate several convergent muon beams to allow the freed atoms to work their way out of the nano-material more easily. Milimeter-length Proton LINACS can be used to create neutrino beams to prevent unwanted regions from absorbing muons and destabilizing the meta-material.

The stuff about the X-Ray nano-milling heterodyne was just to put a hypothetical backstory to the science that might be plausible, and how to make the model look in the game

The vacuum milling machine and atomic extractor system is finished, that can turn diamonds or some other carbon source into a 3-Dimensional pre-stressed graphyne meta-material that can tolerate the expansive forces of the muon-stabilized compressed superhydride crystal

The fancy x-ray machine turns diamonds into macroscopic graphyne balls. They can be modeled and look like a pile of semi-transparent or black berries.

The graphyne is much more flexible and stronger than graphene, so it can flex to accomodate the insertion of the muon stabilized 3-part upgraded Alloy Furnace. Milling it out of diamond might be better, because powdered and amorphous materials are so hard to stick together when they are clumped randomly. As we have a graphyne material manufacturer, we could just make armor and tools out of that that's way better than needing to create diamonds.

It can take time, and the muon emitting source containing fluid, and the hydrogen for the proton neutrino LINACs, and the diamonds, it is faaaaar from being as good as graphyne, or diamond. It is like the plastic of the carbon world; not even Polycarbonate, its about as good as Acrylic in comparison.

If you take modern carbon fiber, which is made from baked polymerized acrylo-nitrile in an industrial kiln, and you multiply its strength by about 10 or more, you get the optimal strength of carbon nanotubes. Then, if you take those carbon nanotubes and you flatten them into a sheet to make graphene, it becomes several times stronger and tolerant to stretching and deformities and chemical inclusions. If you take that graphene and replace the bonds between the benzene rings with acetylene bonds, which are triple bonds, it becomes about 40x stronger and waaay more stretchable and flexible. And that final product of carbon, which is stronger than graphene, which is stronger than nanotubes, which is stronger than the best ACN carbon fiber composite strands, thats the material i want to use. The hydrogen, a variant of the air bottles, is used both in the proton neutrino linac beams for muon segregation, as well as the main material used in making the muon superhydride crystal

The ore which provides hassium that needs to be extracted and centrifuged and then extracted again, can have a second ore component which is used as the muon source when bombarded with the 3-part crafter's multi-purpose beam, or when in contact with a radioactive source.

SX I think if you go that deep you cannot really compare stuff by strength as it quickly becomes ambiguous, for example I mean what property is 40x stronger?

baijin That is I think the tensile strength, and it also gains a huge amount of stretchability. I am plotting this all out on Minder now, i can send you all the file when im done or answer questions. The visor is going to be almost as unique as the body shielding material, and ive laid out what the tools, armor, and upgrade could function like. The suit is going to be different from the chalcogenide inserts and it may only take 1 ore type, or 0 if you integrate it into the uranium process.

Anyway, about 800x stronger than diamond is still just that, unfathomable, assuming carbon nanotubes are roughly 2x stronger than average diamond, or better, and graphene is 10x or so stronger than nanotubes, and graphyne 40x tougher than graphene. Think of it like a sewn together collection of super-advanced beads... and it can also serve as a space suit, as well as armor, and not have a visor transparency penalty. Okay, maybe not armor per say, but it can be better than the current suits

SX We can also just update recipe for current space suit

baijin I am already planning out optional dependencies

SX That way we do not have to come up with balancing problems, large problem with simply providing better item is that only top tier items are used no matter what. That is always problem when resources are extremely easy to get and in infinite amounts. There's just few things that are not too easy to get or cannot be easily automated in large scale.

baijin Well maybe not on a server with auto diggers, but i can say that the extraction for each of the two materials is exceptionally small, then centrifuging will take a long time because it will need to be higher percentage than 3.7% like uranium

SX Those are either animal eggs, xenomorph eggs being probably hardest to get currently. Or items that are not craftable but are available through special mechanisms like dungeons or traders.

baijin What metals do we have that can be alloyed into aerospace materials? Titanium mod would be good, and theres also no aluminum. How about a chromium and mithril alloy?

The helmet is made in, I think, 5 steps

Regarding adding a new cable level, seems its already a bit blurry what the existing ones are for. Like lv is used by new players for a hot second to get to mv, nothing more (as mv can work with pipeworks, upgrade slots, etc). mv is a good resting ground for a while, and then if you want really fast times, upgrade to hv equipment.

Wsor so what would the advantage to a new cable level be without nuking the existing already blurry structure

baijin 6 step way to make the helmet:
step 1: Craft mithril and chromium alloys in an alloy furnace to get [improvised aerospace alloy]. step 2: Place 3 blocks of the alloy along the bottom row of the normal craft grid and 6 blocks or slabs of ultra-plastic in the other slots step 3: With the helmet seal and plastic shell cover made, take 3 blocks or panes of obsidian glass and 3 blocks or slabs of ultra plastic and craft them into an [uncooked primary visor] step 4: Craft the radiation visor the same way as the primary visor, but it is only 2 layers of material using 2/3 the items, and the rest of the craft grid slots are filled with crafted superhydride graphyne ball sacks step 5: Craft the helmet's shell out of a large quantity of graphyne crystal sacks via the multi-purpose vacuum beam machine, this time only using up hydrogen bottles for sintering step 6: Put the shell, the neck plate and plastic shell, and the two visors together normally to finish the helmet. the visor does not have any tinting until you are around a radiation source and the radiation visor drops down, but it protects fully all the time

The helmet has a significant armor value for sure, but it is up to you to determine what that is on your server, since ill have my own versions. And the suit should hold air.

Right now, the main important part is the advanced vacuum multi-beam machine that crafts the fancy items, having either a 3 part alloying/processing input or a crafting grid for the unique recipes. Then the 6step process mentioned above. Then on how to craft the visor with 3 layers and only 9 slots, maybe one laminated layer at a time and crafting the radiation visor, which is two laminations and the radblocking stuff. If the mithril chromium idea is too expensive for the bearing joints in the suit, it can be a different recipe with a strong backbone and a corrosion inhibitor.

Klaranth commented 2 years ago

Hedgehog: To Do :

Baigle commented 2 years ago

That's a lot of text :)

I will continue working on the Minder node-graph file, but at the moment, the visor recipes need to be changed to fit into the crafting grid, possibly by making the laminated visor layers 1 at a time and having those be sub-units.

Hedgehog: To Do :

* Translate it all to doability in Minetest environment.

  * Are you overthinking things?

For the Pandora server, quite possibly yes, but as one of my projects, no.

  • Can it be made simpler? By a large margin, but if people want it as a hazmat suit, space suit, and armor set all together or not might be the determining factor, because it seems odd to just add a better hazmat suit by itself with such technologies that are capable of far, far more.
  • Can it be done by taking e.g. a spacesuit and upgrade that? If desired, yes.
  • Can it be created by putting an existing hazmat suit in the center of a recipe and put several other armors around it? This method of crafting doesn't sound like it matches the capabilities of the materials in the suit, but if desired, yes it will be easy to do. The more you guide me the more I can make it what you and the server wants and I'll have my full separate version I'll put on my page.
Baigle commented 2 years ago

Fixed and shortened the original post

baijin a super-hazmat suit that uses chalcogenide deca-hydride, which is a compression level of super-hydride superconductors, materials that can be used to reduce radiation penetration by more effectively stopping neutrons and shielding alpha, beta, and gamma

Huhhila Feel brave enough to test what the hazmat suit's limit is, if any? (does not provide thermal protection though)

baijin IIRC real life hazmat suits using lithium doped hydrocarbons to slow neutrons are not super effective (aka death).

Hedgehog What items/nodes will be needed to craft such a super hazmat suit? There are other mods that can bring in new ores and metals into the game. Do some research please to see if those can work, and come up with a solution to actually craft the super hazmat suit.

baijin They'll use strong ceramic materials that can handle high temperatures. it doesn't necessarily have to be a superconductor.

Hedgehog Come up with a working/ workable solution of craft recipe and post it in here. :)

Huhhila Likely to get rejected unless it has further downsides...

Hedgehog shouldnt be just 1 recipe to make it, if it is really special it should be difficult to craft, using lots of alloying, and perhaps using a freezer to cool down items needed, etc. Make use of a LOT of tech stuff to get the next level hazmat suit. And include a flaw into it. Like perhaps you need 99 air bottles in it every 15 minutes.

SX Current hazmat suit intended downsides can already be countered too easily, I think huge speed reduction would work.

baijin a Hydrogen crystal lattice would definitely be hard, we could even estimate its density according to the spacing. The suit will require its fluid-containing membrane to be charged periodically, which contain pion or muon emitter isotopes when bombarded with radiation. If the muon fluid is depleted, then the suit will start to rapidly destroy itself.

One of the stabilizing materials will be Hassium, a heavy element indicated by its density, allowing muon orbitals to be stable only if they move at relativistic speeds, improving the half-life.

Hedgehog Do parts of it need to be run through the uranium upgrading facilities as well ?

baijin chemically isolate the relevant chemical properties of hassium in the extractor, then centrifuge the stable isotope of hassium which is used for the suit, sure. This will be complicated, so it has to have some big buffs.

Hedgehog Okay, now with all the info provided, can you write out the crafting recipes? Which node made goes where in the crafting area of inventory ? You have up to 9 slots to place something to craft.

baijin there's the possibility to make an x-ray ablation machine to craft the meta-material from diamonds, or from other carbon sources

Hedgehog In NSSM there is a mese dragon egg that takes a LOT of crafting. Talking about killing basically all mobsters at least a dozen times, then a dozen times each of the bosses, that needs to be crafted into parts, before you can craft the egg. Something complicated should be also used for your idea.

And if we don't have an Xray machine, how do we craft one? Probably needs HV cable/power ?

baijin HV will work. I'll look up what frequency it needs to be roughly

Hedgehog Source :

baijin We could use Extreme X-ray Heterodyning to produce localized <1nm peaks.

The suit's muon ratio will have to be kept between two concentrations in order to prevent spontaneous transmutation, and on the opposite end spongiform exfoliation, failure of protection, and combustion of the suit.

The X-Ray nano-milling machine will need to use the vacuum:airpump mod. We can integrate convergent muon beams to allow the freed atoms to work their way out of the material. Millimeter-length Proton LINACs can create neutrino beams to remove unwanted muons during the milling.

The stuff about the X-Ray nano-milling heterodyne is useful in creating a game model and interface.

The fancy x-ray machine turns diamonds into macroscopic graphyne balls. They can be modeled and look like a pile of semi-transparent or black berries. Or a more sci-fi design.

graphyne is much tougher than graphene, so it can accommodate the insertion of the muon superhydride. Milling it out of diamond is better, because amorphous materials are hard to stick together. As we have a graphyne material manufacturer, we don't need to worry about making tools out of diamonds or other chemical bond based matter.

It can take time, and the muon emitting isotope, and hydrogen for the proton neutrino LINACs, and the diamonds to manufacture. NASA's shuttle Carbon-Carbon composite is faaaaar from being as good as graphyne, or diamond. It is like the plastic of the carbon world; not even Polycarbonate, its about as good as Acrylic in comparison.

If you take modern carbon fiber, which is made from polymerized acrylo-nitrile through a kiln, and you multiply its strength by about 10 or more, you get the optimal strength of carbon nanotubes. Then, if you take those carbon nanotubes and you flatten them into a sheet to make graphene, it becomes several times stronger and tolerant to stretching and deformities and chemical inclusions. If you take that graphene and replace the bonds between the benzene rings with acetylene bonds, which are triple bonds, it becomes about 40x stronger and way more flexible. And that final product of carbon, which is stronger than graphene, which is stronger than nanotubes, which is stronger than the best ACN carbon fiber composite strands, that's the material to use for this suit. The hydrogen bottles, a variant of the air bottles, is used both in proton neutrino linac beams for muon termination, as well as the main material used in making the muon superhydride crystal

The ore which provides hassium that needs to be extracted and centrifuged and then extracted again, can have a second ore component which is used as the elemental muon source (could call it Muonimium)

SX I think if you go that deep you cannot really compare stuff by strength as it quickly becomes ambiguous, for example I mean what property is 40x stronger?

baijin That is I think the tensile strength, and it also gains a huge amount of stretchability. ive laid out what the tools, armor, and upgrades could function like. The suit is going to be a different recipe from the superhydride inserts and it may only take 1 ore type if you integrate it into the uranium process.

Anyway, about 800x stronger than diamond is still just that, unfathomable, assuming carbon nanotubes are roughly 2x stronger than average diamond, or better, and graphene is 10x or so stronger than nanotubes, and graphyne 40x tougher than graphene. Think of the suit like a sewn together collection of super-advanced beads... and it can also serve as a space suit, as well as armor, and not have a visor transparency penalty. (while the armor value would be exceptional, any damage from heat, NPCs, or player attacks will be highly damaging to the crystals in the suit, which could trigger it to combust or become radioactive depending if there is a high or low muon ratio respectively)

SX We can also just update recipe for current space suit

SX That way we do not have to come up with balancing problems, that only top tier items are used no matter what. That is when resources are extremely easy to get and in infinite amounts. There's just few things that are not too easy to get or cannot be easily automated.

baijin Well maybe not on a server with auto diggers, but i can say that the extraction for each of the two materials is exceptionally small, then centrifuging will take a long time because it will need to be a higher percentage than 3.7% like uranium

SX xenomorph eggs being probably hardest to get currently. Or items that are not craftable but through dungeons or traders.

baijin What metals do we have that can be alloyed into aerospace materials? Titanium mod would be good, and theres also no aluminum. How about a chromium and mithril alloy?

? mv is a good resting ground for a while, and then if you want really fast times, upgrade to hv equipment.

baijin currently 6 steps to make the helmet: step 1: Craft mithril and chromium alloys in an alloy furnace to get [improvised aerospace alloy]. step 2: Place 3 ingots of the alloy along the bottom row of the multi-beam craft grid and 6 1/4 slabs of ultra-plastic in the other slots to create the [unfinished helmet shell]; step 3: With the aerospace seal and plastic shell cover made, take 3 panes of obsidian glass and 3 1/8 slabs of ultra plastic and craft them into an [uncooked primary visor] step 4: Craft the radiation visor the same way as the primary visor, but it is only 2 obsidian panes and ultra plastic, and two more slots are filled by [contained superhydride] step 5: Craft the [inner helmet body] out of 8 [contained superhydride] via the multi-purpose vacuum beam machine; step 6: Put the [unfinished helmet], [inner helmet body], and the two cooked visors together normally to finish the helmet. the visor does not have any tinting until you are around a radiation source, but it protects fully all the time

The helmet has a significant armor value for sure, but it is up to you to determine what that is on your server, since ill have my own versions. And I plan to make the suit work similarly to the spacesuit mod.

If the mithril chromium idea is too expensive for the bearing joints in the suit, it can be a different recipe with a strong backbone and a corrosion inhibitor.

S-S-X commented 2 years ago

One way to get around balancing problems would be to make suit deteriorate over time until destruction, possibly allowing repair with expensive items. Balancing that will not be easy task but it is one possible way to avoid simply creating item that simply causes existing stuff to become obsolete.

Another way would be to make it disable a lot of other benefits like many beacon effects and possibly require more energy from user which would basically require consuming more food items while using suit.

Then third possible way would be to require some consumables, either a lot of cheap items or few expensive items that gets consumed automatically while suit is in use. A lot of cheap items would consume more inventory space which is another thing player has to worry about when deciding if benefits are worth it or not for given task.

Suggestion that seems to combine some of these:

baijin a Hydrogen crystal lattice would definitely be hard, we could even estimate its density according to the spacing. The suit will require its fluid-containing membrane to be charged periodically, which contain pion or muon emitter isotopes when bombarded with radiation. If the muon fluid is depleted, then the suit will start to rapidly destroy itself.

About materials:

baijin What metals do we have that can be alloyed into aerospace materials? Titanium mod would be good, and theres also no aluminum. How about a chromium and mithril alloy?

I've been thinking about adding molybdenum ore, not sure if there's use for that here but it would have a lot of other uses. Would that be useful? Some links to ideas around molybdenum can be found from (that issue was closed "until someone find molybdenum mod" but molybdenum would probably end up into technic worldgen)

Baigle commented 2 years ago

Another way would be to make it disable a lot of other benefits like many beacon effects and possibly require more energy from user which would basically require consuming more food items while using suit.

That is an excellent point, one which I have the ability to incorporate upgrades back from the tools into the suit to compensate for the weight of the metallic hydrogen ceramic. I did the numbers and the density of the shielding material likely lies between Magnesium and Aluminum (if not a few percent higher), so if anything its an extremely lightweight and strong material while maintaining flexibility and breathability. Accounting for the Muonimium elemental emitter and the suspension fluid, each segment will only be slightly heavier on average, similar to walking around with wet kakhis. So the toll is very minimal on a hypothetical wearer. If anything its design is superior to the spacesuit and hazmat suit.

Then third possible way would be to require some consumables, either a lot of cheap items or few expensive items that gets consumed automatically while suit is in use. A lot of cheap items would consume more inventory space which is another thing player has to worry about when deciding if benefits are worth it or not for given task.

I would like to maintain the use of the muon fluid mechanic, where you need to recharge the fluid by adding in fresh Muonimium. If you add too much the suit might receive damage, spontaneously become radioactive, and then burst into flames, and then explode, as the Hydrogen is released, then fused as the heavy elements transmute into decay series isotopes (not realistic, but instead hilarious). If you add too little and it gets low, the suit will start to take damage and eventually just burst into flames without the radioactivity. You can imagine how tricky it will be to keep the suit from scaring the sh*te out of you or killing you and making your base radioactive, ESPECIALLY now that I'm thinking about adding random slow oscillations to the reported muon stability, where the real number is a stable and very slowly decreasing value. Imagine looking at a water boiler and the gauge reads the wrong pressure and temperature over time, except that you're wearing it, and it has nothing to do with water.

Suggestion that seems to combine some of these:

baijin a Hydrogen crystal lattice would definitely be hard, we could even estimate its density according to the spacing. The suit will require its fluid-containing membrane to be charged periodically, which contain pion or muon emitter isotopes when bombarded with radiation. If the muon fluid is depleted, then the suit will start to rapidly destroy itself.

About materials:

baijin What metals do we have that can be alloyed into aerospace materials? Titanium mod would be good, and theres also no aluminum. How about a chromium and mithril alloy?

I've been thinking about adding molybdenum ore, not sure if there's use for that here but it would have a lot of other uses. Would that be useful? Some links to ideas around molybdenum can be found from #19 (that issue was closed "until someone find molybdenum mod" but molybdenum would probably end up into technic worldgen)

Molybdenum is excellent when you want your alloy to have decent corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and very high thermal insulative properties, sometimes beating common home insulation types. It is useful for a variety of advanced material physics applications.

See here:

Baigle commented 2 years ago

Oh and if you fall in lava the suit will most certainly be lost, these materials cannot handle being plunged into high temperature oxidative environments. It will provide a large amount of fire resistance due to its integrity, but it will come at the cost of the materials you put into the suit, AKA the mined ores that were repeatedly processed into Muon fluid.

Klaranth commented 2 years ago

Oh and if you fall in lava the suit will most certainly be lost, these materials cannot handle being plunged into high temperature oxidative environments. It will provide a large amount of fire resistance due to its integrity, but it will come at the cost of the materials you put into the suit, AKA the mined ores that were repeatedly processed into Muon fluid.

Will the use of a vacuum near it result in anything salvaged? If so, what will be salvaged?

Baigle commented 2 years ago

Oh and if you fall in lava the suit will most certainly be lost, these materials cannot handle being plunged into high temperature oxidative environments. It will provide a large amount of fire resistance due to its integrity, but it will come at the cost of the materials you put into the suit, AKA the mined ores that were repeatedly processed into Muon fluid.

Will the use of a vacuum near it result in anything salvaged? If so, what will be salvaged?

The extremely strong materials have one weakness, and that is their resistance to oxidation when in temperatures of ~600C or higher. The suit should be moderately damaged by fire, and last a couple seconds if you fall in lava. I would like it if the durability of the suit, the oxygen level for the space capability, and the Muon Fluid Concentration values were separate from one another, so that an unstable concentration value can damage the durability over time, the suit can be repaired on an Anvil or in the Multi-beam machine, and that depleting its oxygen only prevents your breath bar from going back up in vacuum environments and does not mean that the suit will break. Basically, how all this should rationally be, except that it needs to be made from scratch.

I've also come up with some armor, health, and other values that I'd like it to roughly be around. For example, having the armor rating of Diamond (~85%), triple the Health value of the Hazmat (60), the Fire rating of Crystal (5), and a Radiation value of 98%.

The suit, being made of a meta-material composite hundreds of times stronger than heavy iron bottles or any other material, should be able to have a longer duration oxygen supply, on the order of a real-time hour or two, and if the Vacuum mod supports it, require longer to charge the suit in the machine. I'll work on the recipe, but so far the Oxygen Phase Diagrams show that at room temperature you can achieve a supercritical pressurization of O2 around only 726psi, or 50.4BarA, and composite containers using cheap fiberglass and epoxy can already reach over 10,000psi for many gasses. I'll make the recipe use a strong futuristic binder that is non-reactive and non-porous so it checks out. An alternative method is to use chemical storage of oxygen, which does not need to be pressurized, but this method doesn't use the already existing Vacuum mod's simplicity, as it would take an additional crafting system to replenish.

See on Quora. And the combined maximum compression estimate measured in atmospheres from those two values should be equal to (667.79)+(860.21) == 707.53 atm, or 716.9 Bar, or 10,397.82 PSI. Graphene, the lesser nano-platelet material, has an estimated tensile strength of 130GigaPascals, where assuming the estimate of 40x stronger is accurate Graphyne should be around 5,200 GigaPascals/ 5.2TPa. 5.2TPa measures out in kg/cm^2 (kilograms tension on a solid square centimeter of material) at around 53 Million Kilograms. Assuming that the meta-material is 90% empty space unstretched, and only 10% as strong as the atomic bond simulations say, then it can still hold in tension almost 530,000Kg. Even if we don't say that the Multi-beam spins out these meta-materials into strands to make them far smaller, weaving the structure, no matter what we throw at it, it should be able to handle it.

Edit: I recommend reading this if you're interested and can get the paper through a university: It states that "By retaining a high percentage of sp2 carbon atoms (66,6% in GY), γ-graph-N-ynes have mechanical properties that are close to those of graphene, although increasing the number of acetylenic units in the links between aromatic rings progressively degrades these properties." Note that the paper calculates the stresses on sheets that are folded onto themselves with varying zig-zag or armchair patterns in the nanotube form, which usually doesn't pan out to be as strong as the bare sheets, or even a specially constructed 3D structure that does a far better job at spreading out loads and deforming. Here is the old MIT research that made macroscale examples of diatom structures

Klaranth commented 2 years ago

It isnt my wishes you have to deal with. It is the wishes of all players and more importantly that of the admin of the server. :) So we may have to create an extra question in vote bot for this, asking the players what they want. For me, personally, it would be a shame to ask for a diluted version when a full upgrade would be available. :)

baijin Graphyne's potential might only be around 5.3 Million Kg per square cm, but it still means its far better than anything we can compare with, and good enough for a super suit