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Idea for dimension above warzone. (Lazarus Space) #398

Open AnarchyEnthusiast opened 1 week ago

AnarchyEnthusiast commented 1 week ago

(UPDATED 9/19/24) By Voxel

The Lazarus Space Mod.

Skybox and lighting:

The skybox of the Lazarus Space is a dark-red liquid-like space design with stars. (I, Voxel, can provide any needed art or 3d models or textures, including this skybox.) The lighting for the Lazarus Space is just like Earth where the caves are dark and the open surface is lit. The Sun is not visible though, and is perpetually stuck at a low sunset.

Terrain design.

List of new blocks for this section:

  1. empty_space Players can move through this block slowly, like spiderweb, but it kills them fast. It cannot be obtained, mined, deleted or crafted in any way.

  2. plasma This block is just like water except it’s a semi-opaque red and does a very small amount of damage to any player that goes in it. It can be picked up in a bucket and cooked into congealed_plasma

  3. sponge_stone This is a dark red, spotted block that has all the same properties and uses as regular stone.

  4. dry_sponge_stone This is a lighter red and more difficult-to-mine version of sponge_stone

  5. soap_stone This is a slightly yellow stone that is easy to mine. Usually it does not drop anything but there is a 5% chance it will drop 2: iron_ore, lead_ore, tin_ore or chromium_ore. It makes a ‘squish’ sound when mined.

  6. crushed_bone is an dark, off-white bone powder that behaves just like sand.

  7. bone_shard is an off white bone block that sounds like glass when you break it and is quite tough and resistant.

  8. dead_bone is a brown dead version of bone_shard and is easier to mine.

  9. sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore This is another ore just like iron and gold and can only be cooked by LV furnaces in the Lazarus Space which provides extra power to machines that are in it. This ore is extremely hard to mine (cracky=highest mineable value) and can be used to make things like molybdenum_lined_mithril_boots or molybdenum_enforced_mithril_multitool Grinding molybdenum_ore into molybdenum_ore_dust is possible with an LV grinder in the Lazarus space. This ore is found in sponge_stone.

  10. molybdenum_ore Molybdenum ore encased in regular stone.

  11. sponge_stone_gold_ore Gold ore encased in sponge stone.

  12. sponge_stone_silver_ore Silver ore encased in sponge stone.

  13. sponge_stone_mese_ore Mese ore encased in sponge stone.

  14. sponge_stone_sulfur_ore Sulfur ore encased in sponge stone.

  15. molybdenum_block This block can be crafted from ‘molybdenum_ingots.

  16. congealed_plasma This can be made by cooking buckets of plasma and can be uncrafted into space_protein and eaten to give a moderate amount of satiation or a chance of poisoning. It is easily minable with with a scythe.

  17. stabilized_gateway This is a node that works like a one-way travelnet except it teleports you to a random travelnet station that is either public or owned by you. It’s two blocks tall and has a thin rim which encases a lazarus_space portal. This block is not minable, breakable or craftable and only appears in structures that are generated in the Lazarus Space.

List of new items for this section:

  1. molybdenum_enforced_mithril_multitool. This tool mines ores as regular ore in the Lazarus Space unlike all other tools and pickaxes. It also mines ores doubling their value as dust, on Earth, the Moon and Mars.

  2. molybdenum_ore_dust

  3. molybdenum_ingot

  4. molybdenum_lined_mithril_boots provide you with extra speed but not extra jump.

  5. molybdenum_lined_mithril_chestplate

  6. molybdenum_lined_mithril_leggings

  7. molybdenum_lined_mithril_mask A full set of molybdenum lined armor provides some heat protection and almost as much radiation protection as a hazmat suit.

  8. bucket_of_plasma

  9. space_protein This is crafted from congealed_plasma and can be eaten to provide a bit of satiation or a chance of poisoning.

  10. Empty

The Frozen Asteroid Field.

The Lazarus Space occupies the top 4000 blocks of the Minetest world and cannot be reached by traveling to it in any conventional way. If you are to travel to the underside of it, you reach a wall of water that is 70 blocks deep and has chunks of useless materials floating in it and large blocks of ice floating on it. This half of the border between the rest of the map and the Lazarus Space is called the Frozen Asteroid Field. The Frozen Asteroid Field spans the entire Minetest map in both the x and z directions. The water table starts at y=26927 and ends at y=27000. The tops of the first chunks of ice start at y= 26917 and end at y=26947 . The Chunks of debris start at y=26910 and end at 26990. The debris is a max of 20 blocks in diameter and a min of 1. They are made up the following materials: 50%clay, 20%stone, 15%obsidian, 10%granite, 5%glass. They are scattered pretty frequently and merge together to make even larger chunks of debris

Empty Space.

The Empty Space is a black field that kills any player that inters it in 4 seconds regardless of armor or other kinds of protection. It’s 9 blocks thick and and is made up of nothing but the empty_space block. The Empty Space field spans the entire Minetest map on both the x and z directions. This field starts at y= 27000 and ends at 27009. The empty_space block cannot be obtained or interacted with. It is like spiderweb in that it catches you when you try to pass through it. If a block is pushed into an empty_space block it’s turned into empty_space.

The Red Caves

Right above the Empty Space there is a large cave system. The cave system is 691 blocks deep, starting at y=27009 and ending at y=27700. The caves themselves are generally quite small and regular and there are a great deal of them, almost like a gigantic sponge. The walls are made up of sponge_stone, dry_sponge_stone and small pockets of soap_stone. sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore, sponge_stone_mese_ore, sponge_stone_gold_ore, sponge_stone_sulfur_ore and sponge_stone_silver_ore is scattered throughout the caves more commonly than earth, mars or the moon.

The Red Sea.

Above The Red Caves there is an ocean of red, opaque liquid that is up to 200 blocks deep. It’s made up of the plasma. This Red Sea starts at y=27690 and ends at y=27775. The red liquid is called plasma and is slightly slower and thicker than water. It can be bucketed and placed down but does nothing other than very slowly removing health. It does not appear anywhere other than this giant ocean.

Lazarus Floor Biomes.

All the Lazarus Floor Biomes start at y=27770. The Red Caves must be generated overtop the Lazarus Floor Biomes so that The Red Caves are broken up by them. All of these biomes are optional. Not all of them have to be included.

  1. Lazarus Floor Biome Spines. Clusters of black spikes that reach from the bottom of the Red Sea to up to 130 blocks above it jut from out of the lake. They are made of 50%sponge_stone_sulfur_ore 15%obsidian, 15%sponge_stone_mese_ore, 10%coal_block, 10%air (provides a decayed effect). The Red Sea fills in around these giant spines.

  2. Lazarus Floor Biome Pathways. The average elevation of this landscape is 50 blocks above The Red Sea. The landscape is very flat with only a four block variation in height. Carved into the ground there are giant 60 block tall, snaking, round canyons that stay just barely surfaced. The walls of the canyon arch over you like a tunnel and the very bottom of the tunnels is filled with plasma. This landscape is made up of of 70%sponge_stone 1%obsidian, 1%sponge_stone_mese_ore, 3%coal_block, 20%dry_sponge_stone, 5%soap_stone, 10%air (provides a decayed effect).

  3. Lazarus Floor Biome Crust. This landscape is somewhat low down. 20% of it’s sitting pools of plasma. It’s very flat and open but all over it, there are clods of debris like randomly placed boulders. This landscape is made up of 60%dead_bone, 1%obsidian, 10%bone_shard, 4%coal_block, 20%bone_dust, 5%soap_stone, 10%air (provides a decayed effect). The boulders are a max radius of 10 blocks and a min radius of 3. They are made up of 30%soap_stone, 30%sponge_stone_sulfur_ore, 20%sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore, 10%sponge_stone_lead_ore.

  4. Lazarus Floor Biome Holes. A solid landscape that floats on The Red Sea and does not go higher than 10 blocks above the sea. This landscape has very subtle height variation and is filled with circular holes. The holes range from 3 to 6 blocks in diameter. The holes reveal The Red Sea beneath. It is made of 50%sponge_stone_sulfur_ore, 15%obsidian, 15%sponge_stone_mese_ore, 10%coal, 7%sponge_stone_lead_ore, 2%sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore, and 1%molybdenum_block.

  5. Lazarus Floor Biome Mesas. Large Mese structures that reach 140 blocks above the surface of The Red Sea (y=27775). There are very narrow ravines between the mesas that have plasma flowing through them. Most of this biome is made up of 50%sponge_stone, 15%obsidian, 15%sponge_stone_mese_ore, 10%coal, 8%sponge_stone_lead_ore and 2%sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore. There are two strips of dry_sponge_stone and three layers of dead_bone in the Mesas. The dry_sponge_stone strips are at y=27890 and y=27900 and both are 15 blocks thick. The dead_bone layers are at y=27850, y=27835 and y=27820. They are each 10 blocks tall.

  6. Lazarus Floor Biome Strings. Long stringy stone ridges that twist and curl and extend all the way down to the bottom of The Red Sea. It is made of 50%sponge_stone_sulfur_ore, 15%obsidian, 15%sponge_stone_mese_ore, 10%coal, 8%sponge_stone_lead_ore and 2%sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore.

  7. Lazarus Floor Biome Empty.

Cluster Space.

A ways above The Red Sea is where the real meat of the Lazarus Space starts. Large asteroids that are sometimes big enough to have grass and trees growing inside of them are scattered fairly densely throughout the Lazarus Space from y=27900 to y=Y=30500. Other Asteroids are fractured and filled with nothing but glass and still others are made of nothing but stone and look almost organic in their form.

  1. Cluster Asteroid Cists. A very large asteroid that is very rare. There are between 250 and 300 blocks in diameter and is nearly spherical. The outer shell of the asteroid is 14 blocks thick and is made up of 10%sulfur_ore, 15%obsidian, 2%mese_block, 10%coal_ore 40%stone, 5%gold_ore, 5%silver_ore, 10%lead_ore and 3%molybdenum_ore. There are patches of sponge_stone and dry_sponge_stone all over the outside of these spheres as though it’s corrupting them. The inside of these asteroids is a swamp-like environment with swamp water, grass, large trees, vines, mushrooms, dirt on the walls, roof and patches of clay everywhere. Cluster Asteroid Cists are also very rarely able to generate on, and over top, the Lazarus Floor Biomes.

  2. Cluster Asteroid Eggs. Perfect spheres that are a max of 30 blocks and a min of 5 blocks in diameter. These are super common structures. They usually come in clusters of 3 to 12 and sometimes merge into each other. The outside of these asteroids is always 2 blocks thick and the inside is solid glass. Most of the spheres have random cracks, 1 block thick, running through them, exposing the inside. The shells are made 65%dry_sponge_stone, 10%sponge_stone, 10%sponge_stone_silver_ore 12%soap_stone and 3%sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore.

  3. Cluster Asteroid Binders. Very random clusters and strings of mostly stone that can be as big as 1800 blocks in diameter and as small as 200 blocks in diameter. They are quite rare but the size they get up to makes up for that. These structures are made up of 33%stone, 40%air, 4%clay, 4%obsidian, 3%dirt, 3%mese_ore, 3%silver_ore, 2%gold_ore 2%granite, 2%lead_ore, 2%molybdenum_ore, 1%glass and 1%molybdenum_block. There are patches of sponge_stone and dry_sponge_stone all through this structure too.

  4. Cluster Asteroid Empty The last object that is generated up here a solid form of plasma that can be made by cooking a bucket of plasma or by mining it with a scythe where it generates in the Lazarus Space. This solid version of plasma is congealed_plasma and generates in strings between two different asteroid structures if they are within 200 blocks of each other. It looks like random, stringy, red spiderweb in between structures.

Lazarus Roof Biomes.

The Lazarus Roof Biomes sit on the underside of a very simple cave system exactly like the one on the floor of the world. The Roof Cave system starts at y=30875 and goes all the way to y=30927 the very top of the world. All the Lazarus Roof Biomes go as high as y=30870

  1. Lazarus Roof Biome Stalactites. Gigantic Stalactites that range from 10 blocks long to 80 blocks long hang from the ceiling somewhat frequently. They are made of 40%sponge_stone, 15%dry_sponge_stone, 10%sponge_stone_silver_ore, 5%sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore. They have small caves and holes in them as though they are decaying.

  2. Lazarus Roof Biome Mold. A very wavy and vast landscape is broken up above and beneath but many tiny holes like a big blanket of foam. It is made up of 30%soap_stone, 25%sponge_stone, 15%dry_sponge_stone, 15%congealed_plasma, 7%sponge_stone_lead_ore, 5%sponge_stone_silver_ore, 5%sponge_stone_sulfur_ore and 3%sponge_stone_molybdenum_ore.

  3. Lazarus Roof Biome Empty

Lazarus Structures.

These structures spawn out in the Cluster Space and except for the Mining Platform, never spawn on the floor or the ceiling of the Lazarus Space.

  1. Lazarus Structure Dungeon. This structure is a random selection of 6 different cube-shaped rooms. There can be as many as 27 rooms in a dungeon forming a kind of rubiks cube looking structure. There can also be as few as 9. There is always be a center room that has a 40% chance of having a stabilized_gateway in it. All the other rooms are randomly spawn around the middle room. Each room except for the center room is booby-trapped in some way. Each room is made of worn sci-fi blocks and pipes. This structure does not spawn very often but it can spawn all the way at the bottom or top of the Lazarus Space.

  2. Lazarus Structure Mining Platform. This structure looks like the bottom half of a cube with a broken down quarry in the center of it. There are old fuel fired furnaces and tools in the structure. There is a 15% chance of having a stabilized_gateway in this structure. The whole thing is made from worn sci-fi blocks and pipes. This is by far the most common structure that spawns and it also has the most variation in size.

  3. Lazarus Structure Outpost. This structure in the shape of a large triangle/star and is very large. This craft is made up of three disconnected triangles that form a bigger triangle with a hole in the center of them. This structure has a 75% chance of having a stabilized_gateway in it. The whole thing is made from worn sci-fi blocks and pipes. This structure is the most rare but it’s also the largest and so, quite hard to miss.

Getting into, and out of, the Lazarus Space.

List of new blocks for this section:

  1. continuum_disrupter This block is a machine that can be mined up with your bare hands slowly or quickly with a diamond or lava tool. It needs a lot of HV power to activate it. It turns off if the chunk it’s in is unoccupied by a player (It needs to be under a player’s observation to be able to stay activated).

  2. decaying_uranium An unstable block of metal that cannot exist outside a continuum-disrupter. This block does not generate anywhere in the world naturally and instantly kills the player holding it in all but one case. The block is animated to look unstable. It gives of a large amount of light.

  3. lazarus_space This block is not obtainable or collidable but instantly teleports the player that comes into contact with it to a random spot in the Lazarus Space. This block only exists in a continuum_disrupter field and instantly removes itself once the field is gone. This block only renders one face from one side. It looks like a hole in the world when you look through it, with parallaxing Lazarus Space stars in it.

  4. disrupted_space This is basically a barrier block. It cannot be broken, moved or passed through and damage cannot be dealt through it. Each block and all the blocks together are simply rendered as a hole through which a skybox of stars shows up.

Continuum_Disrupter Tool.

This block can be used with a significant amount of medium voltage power to create a field. There is no max or min radius for the Continuum_Disruptor tool, instead, it simply creates a field around the chunk it’s in out of disrupted_space. Trees, grass and animals do not grow in the chunk while the continuum_disruptor is activated and animals tend to run around in a frenzy. Water and lava do not flow and burning and drowning do not work in this space. Reactors do not melt down, furnaces do not cook and all machines are seemingly frozen in time. (Everything is seemingly frozen in time).

As soon as all players have left the chunk this block powers down, regardless of whatever settings it was set to before. This includes players logging off. A continuum_disrupter does not need any power to work after it’s enabled as it has frozen itself within its own field. To use a continuum_disruptor you craft one and place it down in a given chunk. There needs to be room in the chunk for a reactor. The reactor needs to be able to power up the tool for a moment before you break into it to cause a meltdown. Once HV power has reached the continuum_disruptor and the disrupted_space field is up you can continue to step two.

Decaying_Uranium. Now that the field is up and time is frozen you can break into the reactor. The core has turned into a single block of decaying_uranium. Mine this block. This uranium block must be destroyed or used while within the active field to avoid destruction and death. Once you have obtained the block you can place down a warp_device anywhere within the active field(note that this warp_device(s) can be placed down before the field is active also). Now you can continue to the final step.

Opening a Lazarus Portal.

Once the device is down, take the decaying_uranium_block and right-click with it in your hand, on the warp_device. The warp device instantly vanishes and a lazarus_space tear appears right on top of the warp_device. It’s taller than it is wide and it looks like a fracture or tear in the world. The portal is now ready to enter. Both the portal and the continuum_disruptor completely deactivated when you go to the Lazarus Space. If you do /home and leave the field while the portal is open everything collapses and you are left, again, with only an empty reactor shell and a powered off continuum_disruptor. Note that you cannot be transported to the Lazarus Space if you do not have the required xp to get there; 750,000. The portal simply deletes and you are not transported anywhere.

Leaving The Lazarus Space.

The only way to leave the Lazarus Space is to find one of the alien structures and hope it has a portal in it. If it does, you can step through the portal and be brought somewhere to a random travelnet on Mars, Earth or the Moon. TP requests, setting home, returning to home, setting base or respawn location and all teleportation other than Lazarus Portals is completely disabled in the Lazarus Space.

Lazarus Spaces effect items and tools.

A list of possible changes that the Lazarus Space has on blocks/tools.

  1. All HV and MV tools can be placed but are instantly turned into lava sources if an attempt to power them on occurs.

  2. Any battery of any kind turns into lava if it has a charge or is given one.

  3. High energy blocks such as energy crystals, refined uranium blocks or any tool containing refined uranium instantly explodes.

  4. Low energy tools such as LV furnaces work faster than HV furnaces do in the rest of the world and regular coal furnaces are extremely efficient. LV does not seem to consume extra energy and furnaces do not burn their fuel faster than normal. These tools are getting energy from The Lazarus Space itself.

  5. All pickaxes except for molybdenum_enforced_mythril_multitool mine ores as ingots instead of raw materials.

  6. Torches and other low energy light sources are not affected in any way.

  7. Ice also does not melt but water does not freeze either

All blocks and tools that have functionality changes in the Lazarus Space:

  1. hv_furnace
  2. fuel_fired_hv_generator
  3. hv_grinder
  4. hv_battery_box
  5. hv_forcefield_emitter
  6. hv_compressor
  7. hv_quarry
  8. hv-nuclear_reactor_core
  9. hydro_mv_generator
  10. mv_furnace
  11. mv_alloy_furnace
  12. mv_battery_box
  13. mv_centrifuge
  14. mv_extractor
  15. mv_freezer
  16. fuel_fired_mv_generator
  17. mv_grinder
  18. mv_tool_workshop
  19. teleport_pad
  20. teleporting_pneumatic_tube_segment
  21. blue_energy_crystal
  22. green_energy_crystal
  23. red_energy_crystal
  24. digtron_automatic_control_module
  25. digtron_control_module
  26. digtron_hv_power_connector
  27. All travelnets are unable to teleport players
  28. 3.5%-fissile_uranium_block
  29. 0.7%-fissile_uranium_block

All Items that have functionality changes in the Lazarus Space:

  1. bronze_pick
  2. diamond_pick
  3. diamond_multitool
  4. mese_pick
  5. mese_multitool
  6. iron_pick
  7. stone_pick
  8. wood_pick
  9. lava_pick
  10. lava_multitool
  11. mithril_pick
  12. mithril_multitool
  13. silver_pick
  14. obsidian_pick

More Ideas:

Plasma makes hydro gen energy work better getting thorium from the frozen-in-time decaying uranium for thorium rectors.

Klaranth commented 1 week ago

Empty Space sounds like the water nodes of Morlendor. It kills you, you can't drink it, and it slows you down.

Klaranth commented 1 week ago

Molybdenum ore : #19 #34 #172 #260 #381

SwissalpS commented 1 week ago

9km height feels excessive. If only LV machines work there, how will the quarry work?

AnarchyEnthusiast commented 1 week ago

His idea was that nothing HV/MV can operate in Lazarus Space, (Only LV machinery) however LV is more powerful than HV in this new dimension, which also opens the idea that molybdenum is only refineable/smeltable with LV power within the lazarus space. Giving LV more uses (we have talked about this in the past somewhere i believe)

SwissalpS commented 1 week ago

Yes, I understand that, but there are no LV-Quarries, and I doubt we'll make some for this.

AnarchyEnthusiast commented 1 week ago

maybe the goal was to not have/use quarries in this dimension.. Dunno tho, anyone have thoughts on this?

SwissalpS commented 1 week ago

Alll the functions requiring multiple players to be in certain area won't work well. Network issues etc. will make it unreasonably hard and frustrating to achieve. Also, when a player dies, he can't go back unless a team also goes back to earth to open another portal and it is unpredictable where they arrive. Also no chance to get bones. Maybe that is the idea of such a difficult area to be in.

SwissalpS commented 1 week ago

maybe the goal was to not have/use quarries in this dimension.. Dunno tho, anyone have thoughts on this?

Somewhere I read that only LV would work but in this text he speaks about MV machines and generators, reactors and giving quarries bigger radius.

AnarchyEnthusiast commented 1 week ago

I believe the MV part (Creating the portal) and using a reactor to gather decaying uranium, happens in the main earth dimension, (Technically a pocket dimension since timed is stopped) where the continuum disrupters require MV power, then once you are in the new dimension there is a different way out..? I'll try to get him to come here and enlighten us

Also maybe it would be better if it only took one player to open a portal.. :p And i think the stakes of dying and losing everything is intentionally that high...

BinaryVoxel commented 1 week ago

Hi fellow minetest enjoyers. 9000 blocks tall is pretty high. I was planning on having a roof to the place. (maybe giant stalactites). The bulk of the work for this space would be terrain generation. I kinda feel like exploring in pandorabox has gotten pretty old lately and I wanted to remedy that.

tbh having the quarry work with lv in this space was always a stretch and so was having multiple people to open a portal. The idea of it bringing you to a new spot every time you go through the portal was to encourage exploration. Also I was thinking that you would have to have 650.000+ xp to access this space(only experienced players) >:)

The portal gets 9 uses before you would have to open another continuum disruptor and refill the portal with shards.

mv is used to open the portal but anything bigger than lv turns to a lava source when you try to use it in the space. Regular furnaces would cook as fast as an hv and lv would be slightly faster than hv.

I was also thinking that we could have large bubbles (800+ blocks tall) on the ground that could be filled with regular grass and trees.

BinaryVoxel commented 1 week ago

There are quite a few cool mod ideas here that could be implemented in this mod.

I really liked the Drill Tool idea. I also really liked some of the ideas in this Warzone Content Update conversation. Next level Hazmat suit with molybdenum could be cool.

SwissalpS commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the clarifications. So, if normal furnaces are that fast, I wonder if tp-tubes would work, sending ores from other dimensions to Lazarus for super fast cooking... but then again, it sounds like one couldn't really build a base there.

BinaryVoxel commented 1 week ago

It could go in either direction. We could make it super ore-rich and good for smelting but also nearly impossible to keep any kind of permanent setup. Or we could make it possible to keep a permanent base and it can just be a more space-like version of the nether.

AnarchyEnthusiast commented 1 week ago

I thought any teleportation other than the intended portal was restricted..? Unless you wanted exceptions

BinaryVoxel commented 1 week ago

So my logic is that earth is the easiest world and as you go higher on the y it gets more difficult and more alien. The moon has no air, mars has actual aliens, warzone has no protection... So the Lazarus Space would be so deep in space that the universe is nolonger really behaving like anything we know. All the machines work hyper-effectively, teleportation is impossible (When you try to teleport, you and the device explode), there is no gravity but you are still somehow able to breathe. On top of all of that I think that adding ancient structures, like massive floating dungeons, would be awesome.

SwissalpS commented 1 week ago

The idea that the end of the universe is most challenging vibes well with me. For me lower levels don't need to get successively easier. I actually like Mars the way it is. Easier than any other place, a reward and safe haven for those who have come this far. Balanced by not having particularly many ores. Further up can be harsher but it's fine with me if there are again some easier oasis like layers.

SwissalpS commented 1 week ago

Implementing all those altered behaviours of machines, tp-tubes, teleportation methods is non-trivial though.

BinaryVoxel commented 1 week ago

Yeah, :P I know it would be a decently monotonous task to set up function bounds for all those little things... machines, tp tubes, etc. If you all like the idea though, I will take a couple days and write out the whole thing part by part so that all the ideas are there and only the programming needs to be done. I personally love the concept of having an extra-challenging 'final, final frontier'. That way when you're bored with space and jds and getting filthy rich you can explore a dark, hostile, and wealthy world at the edge of the map.

SwissalpS commented 1 week ago

when you do write the specs, please use the form "the sky is blue" and "that does this" rather than "the sky will be blue" and "that will do this". That way it is easier to read and understand when "will" actually does mean a state is conditional. Basically write specs as if the thing you are making up already existed and was doing it's thing. In other words, write a "manual" not a "wish list".

BinaryVoxel commented 1 week ago

haha ok i will do that. Thank you for the tip

BinaryVoxel commented 1 week ago

If anyone has any other ideas they would like to see possibly implemented into this mod, send a link or post them here so I can try to fit it in at this stage in the process

AnarchyEnthusiast commented 1 week ago

Thanks for editing the initial post SwissalpS.

BinaryVoxel commented 1 week ago

The rewrite is complete. Should I just update the post here or make a new one?

AnarchyEnthusiast commented 1 week ago

Just updated the initial comment by Voxels request.

Klaranth commented 1 week ago

Jeremy Above warzone idea

Klaranth What would the minimum amount of nodes be for Lazarus space ? As in height

Jeremy Voxel said all the way to the world height from top of warzone.. so something like 9k, although that could be reduced

Klaranth That would mean no other layer after this

Jeremy yea.. seems like it could be smaller to me tho.

Klaranth There are 150+ ideas in that section on github. voxel should have a look for inspiration :)