Dear sir, I constracted a graph pangenome by vg aotuindex( line + vcf). I want to extact a loci gene, But I encounter an error.
$ odgi extract -i merge.combined.giraffe.og -o path111.og -b path -c 0 -E --threads 2 -P -d 0
[odgi::extract] error: the node IDs are not compacted. Please run 'odgi sort' using -O, --optimize to optimize the graph
$ cat path
Chr01 10005432 10009242
Then I run odgi sort -i merge.combined.giraffe.og -O -o merge.combined.giraffe.sort.og -t 70, I got a subgraph successful. But some Node id were changed by odgi sort
for example node 23523825 are changed after odgi sort
Dear sir, I constracted a graph pangenome by vg aotuindex( line + vcf). I want to extact a loci gene, But I encounter an error.
Then I run
odgi sort -i merge.combined.giraffe.og -O -o merge.combined.giraffe.sort.og -t 70
, I got a subgraph successful. But some Node id were changed byodgi sort
for example node 23523825 are changed afterodgi sort
How can I extract a subgraph without changing the Node IDs, for example, from 10,005,432 bp to 10,009,242 bp?