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hub image: install cuda-compat apt package #134

Closed consideRatio closed 2 years ago

consideRatio commented 2 years ago

I look to resolve a bug i saw running a hello world like example.

cuLinkAddData(self.handle, enums.CU_JIT_INPUT_PTX,
   2686                          ptxbuf, len(ptx), namebuf, 0, None, None)
   2687 except CudaAPIError as e:
-> 2688     raise LinkerError("%s\n%s" % (e, self.error_log))

LinkerError: [222] Call to cuLinkAddData results in UNKNOWN_CUDA_ERROR
ptxas application ptx input, line 9; fatal   : Unsupported .version 7.7; current version is '7.4'

This can be reproduced via the following:

from numba import cuda, float32
import numpy as np
import math

def matmul(A, B, C):
    """Perform square matrix multiplication of C = A * B."""
    i, j = cuda.grid(2)
    if i < C.shape[0] and j < C.shape[1]:
        tmp = 0.
        for k in range(A.shape[1]):
            tmp += A[i, k] * B[k, j]
        C[i, j] = tmp

# Controls threads per block and shared memory usage.
# The computation will be done on blocks of TPBxTPB elements.
# TPB should not be larger than 32 in this example
TPB = 16

def fast_matmul(A, B, C):
    Perform matrix multiplication of C = A * B using CUDA shared memory.

    Reference: by @RobertCrovella
    # Define an array in the shared memory
    # The size and type of the arrays must be known at compile time
    sA = cuda.shared.array(shape=(TPB, TPB), dtype=float32)
    sB = cuda.shared.array(shape=(TPB, TPB), dtype=float32)

    x, y = cuda.grid(2)

    tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
    ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
    bpg = cuda.gridDim.x    # blocks per grid

    # Each thread computes one element in the result matrix.
    # The dot product is chunked into dot products of TPB-long vectors.
    tmp = float32(0.)
    for i in range(bpg):
        # Preload data into shared memory
        sA[ty, tx] = 0
        sB[ty, tx] = 0
        if y < A.shape[0] and (tx + i * TPB) < A.shape[1]:
            sA[ty, tx] = A[y, tx + i * TPB]
        if x < B.shape[1] and (ty + i * TPB) < B.shape[0]:
            sB[ty, tx] = B[ty + i * TPB, x]

        # Wait until all threads finish preloading

        # Computes partial product on the shared memory
        for j in range(TPB):
            tmp += sA[ty, j] * sB[j, tx]

        # Wait until all threads finish computing
    if y < C.shape[0] and x < C.shape[1]:
        C[y, x] = tmp

x_h = np.arange(16).reshape([4, 4])
y_h = np.ones([4, 4])
z_h = np.zeros([4, 4])

x_d = cuda.to_device(x_h)
y_d = cuda.to_device(y_h)
z_d = cuda.to_device(z_h)

threadsperblock = (TPB, TPB)
blockspergrid_x = math.ceil(z_h.shape[0] / threadsperblock[0])
blockspergrid_y = math.ceil(z_h.shape[1] / threadsperblock[1])
blockspergrid = (blockspergrid_x, blockspergrid_y)

fast_matmul[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](x_d, y_d, z_d)
z_h = z_d.copy_to_host()
print(x_h @ y_h)