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Raise your hand if you'll be attending the AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans #33

Closed jhamman closed 6 years ago

jhamman commented 6 years ago

I'd like to coordinate a Pangeo happy hour during the AGU fall meeting. I'm thinking of Wednesday evening following "New Approaches to Analyze Big Geoscientific Data Sets" session. Please give a 👍 if you are going to be at AGU and are interested in a happy hour. Feel free to use this issue to bring up other relevant AGU topics (e.g. talks, meetings, etc.).

niallrobinson commented 6 years ago

Feel free to use this issue to bring up other relevant AGU topics (e.g. talks, meetings, etc.).

I'm doing a talk this afternoon which is covering Dask+Iris for distributed analysis in the cloud. I've come all the way for the UK Met Office (!) - it would be nice to get to know you guys while I'm here and hear more about the pangeo project in general.

jgerardsimcock commented 6 years ago

Did we get a confirmed time as to when/where we'll be meeting for the happy hour?

jhamman commented 6 years ago

Did we get a confirmed time as to when/where we'll be meeting for the happy hour?

We're going to try Capdeville starting at 5:30 PM.

ping @jgerardsimcock, @mrocklin, @brian-rose, @spencerahill, @NicWayand, @colingannon, @mcgibbon, @brews, @frode, @darothen, @niallrobinson , and others.

Also, come see @mrocklin's poster at 10:45 this morning.

spencerahill commented 6 years ago

Shoot, double booked myself. Sorry I can't make it! Hopefully will run into some of you otherwise by the end of the week.

darothen-cc commented 6 years ago

Thanks so much for organizing @jhamman. Unfortunately I had to cancel my AGU trip at the last minute... looking forward to seeing people at AMS, though!