pangeo-data / xESMF

Universal Regridder for Geospatial Data
MIT License
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"Input array is not C_CONTIGUOUS" warning despite c-contiguous input #329

Open tyfolino opened 5 months ago

tyfolino commented 5 months ago


I'm using xESMF in my Python package to take care of regridding. A certain input dataset constantly raises UserWarning: Input array is not C_CONTIGUOUS. Will affect performance.. The dataset in question can be found in this Zenodo repository under kernels/HadGEM3-GA7.1/ A word of caution: they are quite large files.

What is confusing me, however, is that when I check the C_CONTIGUOUS flag of each variable, I get back True:

> False in [np.array(v).flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] for v in ds_in_question.variables]


> False in [np.array(v).flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] for v in ds_in_question.coords]


I have even tried casting to C-order using Xarray's .astype() function without success.

I'd love to get some insight into this issue so I don't have to arbitrarily suppress these warnings when using my package.

Thank you!