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Two Machines #336

Open littlehug opened 5 years ago

littlehug commented 5 years ago

Write a program to compute the completion time of a series of tasks going through two machines.

Task Description

We are given a sequence of tasks, which will go through two machines A and B sequentially. A task must first go through machine A, then through machine B. One machine can only process one task at a time, but two machines can process two different tasks in parallel. Each task has an arrival time, the time it takes on machine A, and the time it takes on machine B. A task can start only when it arrives, and we must process the tasks in the time order they arrive. The tasks arriving at the same time are processed according to the order they appear in the input.


Arrival Time Time takes on machine A Time takes on machine B Completion Time
Task 1 0 8 5 13
Task 2 15 10 5 30
Task 3 20 2 10 40

We use an example to illustrate the task execution. Assume that there are three tasks. As the figure and table shown above. Task 1 arrived at time 0, task 2 arrived at time 15, and task 3 arrived at time 20. The time task 1, task 2 and task 3 need on machine A are 8, 10 and 2, respectively. The time task 1, task 2 and task 3 need on machine B are 5, 5 and 10, respectively.

To compute the completion time of these three tasks, the program should do the following:

Write a program to simulate the task execution and print the completion time of all tasks. It is guaranteed that there is at least one task.


Input Format

The input contains information of tasks. Each line has the arrival time, time on machine A, and time on machine B of each task. The number of tasks is at least one.

Output Format

Print the completion time for each task in a line.


Do not use array for this problem. You can solve this problem with very little memory. We will make sure that you will not have enough memory, and see the "memory limit exceeded" error, if you use array.


You need to use two variables to keep track of the ready time of machine A and B. That is, you need to remember when the machines can process the next task, after processing the current task. Note that both machines A and B are ready to process tasks at time 0 initially. Now after given a task, how do you update the ready time for A and B after they process the task?

Sample Input 1

0 2 0
0 4 0
0 6 0
0 8 0
0 4 0

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

0 2 1
0 3 2
0 7 1
0 8 3
0 1 10

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

1 2 1
3 3 2
5 7 1
7 8 3
9 1 10

Sample Output 3