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Mountain Travelers #342

Open littlehug opened 6 years ago

littlehug commented 6 years ago

Write a function to simulate two travelers moving in a mountain.

Task Description

We have an N by M map of the mountain. The vertical index is from 0 to N - 1, and the horizontal index is from 0 to M - 1. An integer in a cell indicates the height of the mountain, and we assume that all cells have different heights. Every cell has up to eight neighbors. The coordinate system is defined as follows:


There are two travelers - one always goes uphill into the steepest neighbor, and the other always goes downhill into the steepest neighbor. The travelers will stop if any of the following conditions happens.

We want to record the paths of the travelers with a sequence of integers from 0 to 7, as in the following list. Note that a -1 at the end indicates that the traveler has stopped.

Let the current position (row, column) of a traveler be (r, c).

Write a function to simulate two traveler movement on the map, and store the directions of the movement of the uphill traveler into array directionA, and the directions of the downhill traveler into array directionB. The function prototype in travel.h is as follows:

void travel(int map[1024][1024], int N, int M, int A_r, int A_c, int B_r, int B_c, int directionA[], int directionB[]);


You only need to submit the function travel. No main program is necessary because TA will write it to test your function. The judge program will call your travel() function and pass the seven parameters, then read the result through two array, so it is not necessary to read input data or output any messages in the travel() function.

A main program that will print out the codes after calling travel is as follow:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "travel.h"

int main() {
    int N, M;
    int map[1024][1024];
    int A_r, A_c, B_r, B_c;
    int directionA[1024], directionB[1024];

    scanf("%d%d", &N, &M);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
            scanf("%d", &map[i][j]);

    scanf("%d%d%d%d", &A_r, &A_c, &B_r, &B_c);

    travel(map, N, M, A_r, A_c, B_r, B_c, directionA, directionB);

    int i = 0;
    while (directionA[i] != -1) {
        printf("%d ", directionA[i]);
    i = 0;
    while (directionB[i] != -1) {
        printf("%d ", directionB[i]);

    return 0;


Input format used by the main program attached

The first line has N and M, which are the vertical and horizontal size of the map. The next R lines has the map represents the mountain. The second to the the line has A_r, A_c, which are the initial row, column index of the traveler who goes uphill. The last line has B_r and B_c, which are the initial row, column index of the traveler who goes downhill. It is guarantee that the number of steps for each traveler will not exceed 1023.

Output format of the main program attached

In the main program, we will print the content of array directionA and array directionB.

Sample Input 1

5 5
50 45 40 35 75
55 99 42 85 25
2  41 96 6  20
65 40 5  3  15
70 30 1  4  10
4 3
0 4

Sample Output 1

6 3 5 7 5 -1
2 7 2 7 -1

Sample Input 2

5 5
50 49 40 35 1
54 99 47 55 32
77 86 60 33 31
73 70 64 68 84
80 85 66 7  2
0 4
4 0

Sample Output 2

7 7 -1
6 6 -1

Sample Input 3

6 6
14 15 16 86 94 99
12 13 75 83 89 93
11 10 76 79 82 88
9  52 69 77 78 5
53 59 54 2  4  6
49 52 1  3  7  8
5 0
0 5

Sample Output 3

6 6 6 -1
7 7 7 -1

Sample Input 4

5 5
76 94 99 98 1
72 75 73 64 0
63 74 66 55 44
61 69  3  2 33
59 62 22 11 5
3 3
1 1

Sample Output 4

5 5 -1
7 2 2 -1