pangyuteng / make-og-pixel-great-again

5 stars 2 forks source link secret errors #2

Closed AmmarIjaz closed 10 months ago

AmmarIjaz commented 10 months ago

Getting two errors:

(gphotos-env-01) PS D:\> .\gphotos-env-01\Scripts\python.exe .\ Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\..\", line 8, in <module> with open("secret.json",'r') as f: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'secret.json'

Renaming the client_secret.json file I used for to secret.json gave this error:

`(gphotos-env-01) PS D:> .\gphotos-env-01\Scripts\python.exe .\ Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:..\", line 10, in email,password,backup_email = secret["email"],secret["password"],secret["backupemail"]

KeyError: 'email'`

Not sure what I'm doing incorrectly here. Thoughts?

Thanks for all your hard work!
pangyuteng commented 10 months ago

Hello. Thank you for visiting. I have updated the readme.

You have to create a "secret.json" file containing your gmail credentials.

sample json file content
