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Away Mode only by presence detection #66

Open TrippleBender opened 1 month ago

TrippleBender commented 1 month ago

Hello, I have the issue, that just some TRVs do not change into eco mode, when HA detects no presence. I configured the automations without persons and only use the presence input. I'm using version 4.2.5 of the blueprint.

The change of the presence fires the automation, but it does not change the setpoint of the TRVs.

I get following error in the core logs

Logger: blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol
Quelle: components/system_log/
Erstmals aufgetreten: 3. Juni 2024 um 22:19:07 (551 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 15:51:19

AHC REF change_count: 0 changes: {}
AHC REF TRIGGER is_calibration: False is_changes: False is_reset: False is_refresh_comfort_entity: False proximity: is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False proximity_entities: [] entry: None entry_time: entry_comfort_temp: None new_comfort_temperature: None is_refresh_comfort_entity: False state_mode_winter: True state_mode_party: False state_mode_guest: False state_outside_temp: True state_force_max_temperature: False state_window: False state_temperature_comfort: 18 active_scheduler: schedule.heizplan is_person_based: False is_anybody_home: False is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False is_presence_sensor_defined: True is_presence_scheduler_defined: False state_presence_sensor: True state_presence_scheduler: False is_presence_on: True is_scheduled_heating: True state_scheduler: True is_scheduled_heating_on: True is_somebody_on_way_home: False is_frost_protection: False state_temperature_min: 16 set_comfort: True mode: heat temperature: 18.0 is_physical_change: False is_calibration: False changes: {} valves_tado: [] calibration_tado: {} valves_xiaomi: [] calibration_xiaomi: {} valves_external_sensor: [] calibration_external_sensor: {} valves_calibration_common: ['climate.heizung_kuche_thermostat'] calibration_common: {} is_heating: True is_metric: True input_hvac_mode in ['cool','heat']: True
AHC REF TRIGGER is_calibration: False is_changes: False is_reset: False is_refresh_comfort_entity: False proximity: is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False proximity_entities: [] entry: None entry_time: entry_comfort_temp: None new_comfort_temperature: None is_refresh_comfort_entity: False state_mode_winter: True state_mode_party: False state_mode_guest: False state_outside_temp: True state_force_max_temperature: False state_window: False state_temperature_comfort: 18 active_scheduler: schedule.heizplan is_person_based: False is_anybody_home: False is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False is_presence_sensor_defined: True is_presence_scheduler_defined: False state_presence_sensor: False state_presence_scheduler: False is_presence_on: False is_scheduled_heating: True state_scheduler: True is_scheduled_heating_on: True is_somebody_on_way_home: False is_frost_protection: False state_temperature_min: 16 set_comfort: True mode: heat temperature: 18.0 is_physical_change: False is_calibration: False changes: {} valves_tado: [] calibration_tado: {} valves_xiaomi: [] calibration_xiaomi: {} valves_external_sensor: [] calibration_external_sensor: {} valves_calibration_common: ['climate.heizung_kuche_thermostat'] calibration_common: {} is_heating: True is_metric: True input_hvac_mode in ['cool','heat']: True
AHC REF TRIGGER is_calibration: False is_changes: False is_reset: False is_refresh_comfort_entity: False proximity: is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False proximity_entities: [] entry: {'time': '8:30', 'days': ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri'], 'comfort': 22.5} entry_time: 2024-06-04 08:30:00+02:00 entry_comfort_temp: 22.5 new_comfort_temperature: 22.5 is_refresh_comfort_entity: False state_mode_winter: True state_mode_party: False state_mode_guest: False state_outside_temp: True state_force_max_temperature: False state_window: False state_temperature_comfort: 22.5 active_scheduler: schedule.heizplan is_person_based: False is_anybody_home: False is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False is_presence_sensor_defined: True is_presence_scheduler_defined: False state_presence_sensor: False state_presence_scheduler: False is_presence_on: False is_scheduled_heating: True state_scheduler: True is_scheduled_heating_on: True is_somebody_on_way_home: False is_frost_protection: False state_temperature_min: 16 set_comfort: True mode: heat temperature: 22.5 is_physical_change: False is_calibration: False changes: {} valves_tado: [] calibration_tado: {} valves_xiaomi: [] calibration_xiaomi: {} valves_external_sensor: [] calibration_external_sensor: {} valves_calibration_common: ['climate.heizung_bad_thermostat'] calibration_common: {} is_heating: True is_metric: True input_hvac_mode in ['cool','heat']: True
AHC REF TRIGGER is_calibration: False is_changes: False is_reset: False is_refresh_comfort_entity: False proximity: is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False proximity_entities: [] entry: None entry_time: entry_comfort_temp: None new_comfort_temperature: None is_refresh_comfort_entity: False state_mode_winter: True state_mode_party: False state_mode_guest: False state_outside_temp: True state_force_max_temperature: False state_window: False state_temperature_comfort: 22.5 active_scheduler: schedule.heizplan is_person_based: False is_anybody_home: False is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False is_presence_sensor_defined: True is_presence_scheduler_defined: False state_presence_sensor: False state_presence_scheduler: False is_presence_on: False is_scheduled_heating: True state_scheduler: True is_scheduled_heating_on: True is_somebody_on_way_home: False is_frost_protection: False state_temperature_min: 16 set_comfort: True mode: heat temperature: 22.5 is_physical_change: False is_calibration: False changes: {} valves_tado: [] calibration_tado: {} valves_xiaomi: [] calibration_xiaomi: {} valves_external_sensor: [] calibration_external_sensor: {} valves_calibration_common: ['climate.heizung_flur_thermostat', 'climate.heizung_couch_thermostat', 'climate.heizung_arbeitsplatz_thermostat'] calibration_common: {} is_heating: True is_metric: True input_hvac_mode in ['cool','heat']: True

My automation is the following

alias: Heating Control - Küche
description: ""
  path: panhans/heating_control.yaml
      - climate.heizung_kuche_thermostat
    input_scheduler_regular: schedule.heizplan
    input_temperature_comfort_static: 18
    input_persons: []
      - binary_sensor.fensterkontakt_kuche_iaszone_3
    input_windows_reaction_time: 5
    input_calibration_rounding_full_values: true
    input_presence_reaction_on_time: 2
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
    input_temperature_minimum_static: 16
      - schedule.heizplan
    input_presence_sensor: input_boolean.prasenz
    input_away_offset: 0
      - presence
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      - rounded_values
    input_log_level: warning

And this is the corresponding trace

trace automation.advanced_heating_control_kuche 2024-06-04T13 51 09.271149+00 00.json

panhans commented 2 weeks ago

Hey you'd define a scheduler (which is on) and a presence sensor (off). That means the automation set the comfort temperature if the scheduler is active or the presence sensor is on.

If you just want to go with presence simply remove the scheduler from your configuration or just reconfigure it. Maybe it would be helpful if you explain to me what you want to achieve.