panicinc / icarus

Swift, C, C++, and Objective-C Support for Nova
MIT License
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Update #7

Closed haikusw closed 10 months ago

haikusw commented 11 months ago

The command line instructions didn't work as written. Updated to make them work.

That said, I'm getting an error when I open Icarus/Icarus.novaextension after building and executing the updated commands:

cd DebugAdaptor
swift build --product LLDBAdapter --configuration release
cp .build/release/LLDBAdapter ../Icarus.novaextension/Executables/LLDBAdaptor

Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 11 31 25 PM

But I think this may be because Icarus uses:

function debugAdapterPath() {
    let adapterPath = nova.path.normalize(nova.path.join(nova.extension.path, "Executables/LLDBAdapter"));

    // Check adapter executability.
    if (!nova.fs.access(adapterPath, nova.fs.constants.X_OK)) {
        // Set +x on the adapter to get around an issue with extensions being installed by Nova.
        nova.fs.chmod(adapterPath, 0o755);

    return adapterPath;

which maybe doesn't work for an extension project activated via "Activate Project As Extension" in the "Extensions" menu?