panifie / PingPong.jl

Cryptocurrency trading bot, and backtesting framework in julia
GNU General Public License v3.0
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strictier function signatures #23

Open untoreh opened 1 year ago

untoreh commented 1 year ago

Basically all functions with arguments any combination of Strategy AssetInstance Order Trade etc... have "loose" signatures. Meaning for example that you could call them with arguments where the strategy refers to an exchange, and an asset refers to another... They would have to be rewritten for example like:

function position!(
    s::IsolatedStrategy{Sim}, ai::MarginInstance, t::PositionTrade{P};
) where {P<:PositionSide}


function position!(
    s::Strategy{X,N,E,Isolated,C}, ai::AssetInstance{A,E,Isolated}, t::Trade{O,A,E,P};
) where {X,N,E<:ExchangeID,C,A<:AbstractAsset,O,P<:PositionSide}