panifie / PingPong.jl

Cryptocurrency trading bot, and backtesting framework in julia
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Once again, missing keyword arguments in the function signature. #45

Closed janckerchen closed 2 weeks ago

janckerchen commented 2 weeks ago
julia> e = getexchange!(:okx)
Exchange: OKX | 1406 markets | 14 timeframes
julia> exs.check(e, type=:basic)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching check(::ExchangeTypes.CcxtExchange{ExchangeID{:okx}}; type::Symbol)

Closest candidates are:
  check(::Exchange, ::Any) got unsupported keyword argument "type"
   @ Exchanges /opt/opensource/jl/PingPong.jl/Exchanges/src/constructors.jl:693
  check(::Exchange) got unsupported keyword argument "type"
   @ Exchanges /opt/opensource/jl/PingPong.jl/Exchanges/src/constructors.jl:693

 [1] top-level scope
   @ REPL[13]:1