panique / huge

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Solved permissions problems with Avatars folder using secure 755. #861

Open joancipria opened 7 years ago

joancipria commented 7 years ago

[VAGRANT] I'was creating a system for uploading users' files to the server. For this purpose I coded a script that creates a personal folder with 755 permissions. This was working, but when I was trying to move a file via move_uploaded_file() to the folder I wasn't able to write anything.

So I decided to check the php user, and it was running by vagrant user. Also I checked the owner of the files and it was vagrant too. At the end, I decided to try adding the www-data user to vagrant's group. This let me upload files to the folders with 755 permissions. Of course, it also applies to other folders, including Avatars folder. In reference with issue #143.

sudo usermod -a -G vagrant www-data