Closed abelardolg closed 7 years ago
This is the message showed from ErrorController: This is the Error-page. Will be shown when a page (= controller / method) does not exist.
I understand that this error is generated because at the line:
<div w3-include-html="http:<?php echo URL; ?>Mini/view/landpage/formSuscripcion.html"></div>
. This should be called by another way to load this html but I don't know which one.
Any help?
Best regards.
Sorry i have absolutly no idea what you want to say
Are you sure you have read the readme ? This is a little framework and it's not about including HTML files, maybe you look at the documentation again, it will probably solve your problem
Hi @panique I have read the documentation and your framework works fine but when I want to include this inner html it doesn't work: cause that error message.
How would I write that line to load that html?
Best regards.
Hi everyone,
When HomeController is called, is executed three "require" statements:
Inside the 'view/index.php' file, there is this statement:
<div w3-include-html="http:<?php echo URL; ?>Mini/view/landpage/formSuscripcion.html"></div>
The 'w3-include-html' tag works -> more reference at:
When MIni3 loads this line, shows an error. How could I load that 'formSuscripcion.html' file?
Let me know if you have encountered my issue.
Any help would be welcome.
Best regards.