panjf2000 / ants

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About the performace when using ants in websocket #126

Open gitmko0 opened 3 years ago

gitmko0 commented 3 years ago

Will websocket be written with ants be more performant than using solutions such as gobwas or fastws

With reference to go routines being used in websocket here and also here:

I havent tried yet but do you think ants with websocket will be faster and more performant than them for high number of connections? e.g. 1M to 10M connections using ants for websocket.

panjf2000 commented 3 years ago

Please don't put the description in the issue title directly, which makes the issue title tedious.

Figure out the difference between title and description and put them in the right place separately.

mi4tin commented 3 years ago

websocket is not good use ant