pankajkarman / bias_correction

python library for bias correction
MIT License
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biascorrection netcdf #4

Open visakhraja opened 3 years ago

visakhraja commented 3 years ago

Dear Pankaj, I have recently checked your code. It is very useful for me for my work. I am having some issues. I hope you will help. I have ERA5 precipitation in netcdf format. I have to correct the data. I tried that with your code. My model data is ERA5 and observed data is CHIRPS data. I interpolated both data to same latitude and longitude(same resolution). When I run the model (quantile mapping) , I m facing error. The values are coming in NaN

pankajkarman commented 2 years ago

@visakhraja Can you attach your code here with data. Without a look at your code, I won't be able to help.