pannal / Kitana

A responsive Plex plugin web frontend
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Kitana as an Unraid docker? #12

Closed cphmichael closed 4 years ago

cphmichael commented 5 years ago

Could you be interested in doing a Kitana docker container for Unraid?

That will probably give you more users because it will be available in the 'Community Applications' and easier to install :-)

Regards Michael

VanCityGuy commented 5 years ago

I installed this through unraid and docker using the dockerhub search option but took some trial and error to get working. What I could not figure out was the proxy.conf for nginx and my letsencrypt service to reverse proxy it. But yeah a full on unRaid docker with an example letsencrypt reverse proxy conf would be amazing!

The proxy.conf example you have on the site doesn't work for me.

pannal commented 5 years ago

@cphmichael are you up for the task by any chance?

cphmichael commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, I do not know how to make a Docker container.

GilbN commented 4 years ago

@cpmichael there is no such thing as an unraid docker. There are docker containers and unraid docker container XML templates that you use to easily install containers. If you want a container in the CA store you can add an issue here 😉

cphmichael commented 4 years ago

@gilbN Can you help me and request a Kitana unRAID Docker Container?

GilbN commented 4 years ago

Use the template here

Roxedus commented 4 years ago

Added in selfhosters/unRAID-CA-templates#17, should be in the Unraid Community Applications within a few hours.

cphmichael commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your help @Roxedus

I have tried to search for Kitana in the unRAID Comunity Applications, but I can not find it?

Regards Michael


Roxedus commented 4 years ago

It had some initial errors, it made its way into CA 13 minutes ago. Squidly271/AppFeed@ee9b505

cphmichael commented 4 years ago

I have installed Kitana from the Community Applications, but the WebUI do not work.

In the installation it says: " To set the baseurl for this application, open advanced view, and add -p /kitana -P to the "Post Arguments"

The Post Arguments says: -B -p /kitana -P so I think it is already set.

Does the container works for you?

Roxedus commented 4 years ago

Yes. when a baseurl is set you need to add /kitana (if that was the path you set) you need to add that to the url. Kitana doesnt redirect, just answers with a 404

cphmichael commented 4 years ago

Ahh, that works - Thank you very much :-)

pannal commented 4 years ago

Is this solved?

cphmichael commented 4 years ago

Yes, @Roxedus fixed it :-)

pannal commented 4 years ago

Great, closing, thank you