pannous / caffe-ocr

OCR with caffe deep learning framework -> Migrated to tensorflow
215 stars 115 forks source link

How can I transform the txt-file? #4

Closed getengqing closed 7 years ago

getengqing commented 8 years ago

The project use caffe compute, but how can I transform the txt-file to cv-data? Check failed: Could not load training_images/G/TimesNewRoman-7-4.png 16

Mezzano commented 8 years ago

Same here: Check failed: Could not load training_images/1/TimesNewRoman-10-4.png

ncaadam commented 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue. Looks like we're missing training data.

Bleyddyn commented 8 years ago

I created a pull request that deletes the missing files from the test and training index files. I don't know how active this project is, but the fix is easy to do manually if the pull request doesn't get merged in.

twmht commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue.

pannous commented 7 years ago

thanks for the pull request #5